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News   Jan 02, 2025
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TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

Basically, I think that Bombardier is stretching out delivery of the current model of streetcar, that the current model is already obsolete. So maybe its time for get the newer model.

This isn't how things work.... trains and streetcars take a longer time to build than cars or buses. Orders are made years in advance of when they are supposed to enter service. There is no model obsolescence.
With the PCC streetcars, the first air-electrics arrived by 1938 (4000-4299).

By 1947, the first all-electrics (4300-4574) arrived. That's ten years.

From link and link. There must be improvements available over the ten years we've been discussing about new streetcars for the TTC.
Both 4444 & 4445 are out in the yard and looks like they are ready for service on Oct 1.

4445 was out again for a few hours Friday night.

Thursday night saw 4444 ahead of 4445 heading to St Clair. 4444 only did a u-tun and headed back down Bathurst while 4445 ran on St Clair. No idea when or why 4444 stop a few car length north of Burnside Dr, but was there for 25+ minutes as I was getting ready to call it a night just before 1 am. I was gone by 1:10 and no idea when 4444 got move. There were still 5 44xx's up on St Clair at this time as well a few CLRV's.

4445 was out close to 20 plus hours starting Wed with a few hours at the Barns on Thur or when it stop testing Friday am. From what I have seen so far is 4445 has done 2 burn in based on hours out compare to a few for 4444.
This is a decent production speed (4445-4447) if they can keep it up.
How can that be when 4447 is #3 car out of 4 for Sept?? At this rate, what decade do you expect to see the last car for the current order??

All indications say 4445 has done the triple burn requirement so far. It was in the yard when I left town yesterday where it was Friday night and in the service bay when I came home last night. Its still there.

4444 was in the yard Friday night and moved into the service bay as I was about to leave. It was going out for testing when I got home. Its been out most of the day so far.

To get back on schedule, 4455 needs to be ship Oct 25. With 4447 ready now, this means a car has to be ship every 3 day with 7 days been the best so far.
It's time for Bomber to stop clinging to the fantasy of completing delivery in 2019. Next month is going to be a big challenge as they are supposed to deliver seven.

Oh they've known for a looong time they wont make 2019. It would be a terrible business and legal move to ever admit it.

They don't have to admit anything until the date they are due. Until then you save money on paying lawyers and keep your money in the bank with interest.
