Toronto Waterlink at Pier 27 | 43.89m | 14s | Cityzen | a—A

Thanks for the pics, ToCondoGarden.

Gee, looking at them, I can't help thinking now that the space between the existing towers and QQ would be a wonderful spot for an innovative playground, cultural park or nifty public facilities. I'm worried that despite their long, mid-rise narrowness, with further additions following the same sightlines the superblock might seem more oppressive than intended and less publicly enjoyable.
^ why would anyone want to watch the lake from there? QQ is pretty far from it, and a parkette is planned right next door anyways...
It wouldn't be so much about lake watching as keeping QQ extremely entertaining. That, and keeping things porous, unpredictable, perky and somewhat non-utilitarian.

I think the towers will turn out alright, given the choice of architects and the long sightlines to the water. But I don't think colourfully mixing up entertaining uses here would hurt either.
I think some giant bright pink or green coniferous tree scultpures would look great down here--I'll come up with the concept and get those Claude Cormier peeps to get the details sorted. (Essentially they'd be painted metal lamp posts with "shaggy" silicone rubber "branches."
Already dense and more to come.

Maybe just cut up Captain John's, inventively, and convert and pummel it into other uses.

A merry-go-round done with sea-horses, zebra mussels and crustacea? A jellyfish jumping playhouse? Lamprey lamps?

Okay, off topic....
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Just sell Captain John's to the North Koreans. It could become their new naval flagship. I am sure that Toronto could get at least one barrel of kimchi in return.
No kimchi for Toronto--the ship is Yugoslavian.

Nautically speaking, the ship doesn't look that bad. Properly restored it could serve some use on the waterfront--likely not Captain John's, but something.
