Toronto Union Park | 303.26m | 58s | Oxford Properties | Pelli Clarke Pelli

That's been my argument for ages !

I'll take it further;

You know these casino operators will make it as easy as possible to get to with transit; Think free shuttles from Union all day every day ...

So the "vulnerable" community around the core (i.e. those on welfare and the like) aren't going to find it that difficult to get to said Casino regardless of where its built.

To me this alone should factor out any of the social impacts if the question is simply (build downtown, or elsewhere in the GTA).

I have a good feeling this will be going in Markham, downtown Markham likely. There was an article a while back regarding how Kyle Rae was hired to campaign againt the downtown casino in favour of one in *what was suspected to be Markham*, forgot the company.
That was it !
Also, Cadillac Fairview and MGM have the Buttonville redevelopment as a back-up site if Toronto fails:

MGM and Cadillac Fairview don’t rule out the possibility of developing a casino at another Ontario location, including the Buttonville Municipal Airport in Markham – a site co-owned by Cadillac Fairview and set for development. They say they haven’t put significant thought into a backup plan. That’s partly because no other site would be quite as appealing, Mr. Feldman suggested.

I would love to know where the Onex proposal is planned.
Basically 0 details about the Onex one, but likely downtown Markham ... probably next to the stadium is my guess.
I wonder how this project will change with the casino removed? I also have a feeling the casino won't pass, but the convention centre still needs the rail decking for more floor space (at least the part east of John) so I wonder if we will just loose the portio west of John street and Oxford leave that section undeveloped.
, but the convention centre still needs the rail decking for more floor space (at least the part east of John) so I wonder if we will just loose the portio west of John street and Oxford leave that section undeveloped.

Dont worry, say Markham gets the Casino, they will be glad to take care of the lack of convention space in Toronto
Yeah, let's just give all the business to the suburbs while we're at it. Who cares if there are any benefits to the city? Our councillors are voted by anti-development NIMBYs, so I guess it makes sense.
Dont worry, say Markham gets the Casino, they will be glad to take care of the lack of convention space in Toronto

Exactly. The only place a casino makes sense (not for the gambling but for all the side benefits - Increased tourism traffic, entertainment, restaurants, hotel demand and convention space) is the MTCC. If Markham got the casino and a new arena watch them build a nice big convention centre to go along with it.

A site within walking distance of the city's largest transport hub with trains, subways and soon to have direct access to two airports. Within walking distance to three major league sports teams. within walking distance to a few thousand hotel rooms. On top of the countries most important convention centre. No that doesn't make ANY sense...
Buttonville will become a new international airport. Markham is just going come up and take our hotel rooms, convention centre, rotating restaurant, entertainment venues, the Blue Jays and Leafs too. :rolleyes:
Those renders are stunning, and I love the way the twin towers float above the podium like that. If a casino is the price to pay for architecture of that quality, in that spot, then I'm willing to pay it.

Oh my.

These renderings are ridiculous (as in, 'good' ridiculous).

I don't want a casino in Toronto, but this entire project looks incredible.
If there is demand for a big casino, we should build one. I don't gamble and rarely drink, but the 'nanny state' mentality is getting a bit tiring.

It's astounding that in 2013 we still have people who believe they have a right to dictate to the greater society whether we can have a casino. The government/bureaucracy in this country is out of control and they need to get out of people's lives. I never vote Conservative, but it's things like this that would make me change my mind.
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