Address: 501 Yonge St., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2022
Height: 561 ft / 170.98 mStoreys: 52 storeys
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Toronto TeaHouse 501 Yonge Condominiums | 170.98m | 52s | Lanterra | a—A

I feel like this joke has run it's course lol
Sadly, not a joke. I actually had a specific street scape in mind… the corner of Queen and Logan. On one side is ”new condo fine grained retail”, which consists of an Osmows, an A&W, a pot shop, and a Freshii. On the other side, you have actual fine-grained retail, like Hooked, Core, Eat BKK, The Roy, Frankie’s Italian, etc.

All of the places on both sides are nice things to have in any given neighbourhood. But the ones on the north side are the ones that make people actually come to a neighbourhood to enjoy the area.
I wish they planted some trees along Yonge St. frontage or at least flower/shrubbery beds - the street looks so barren and inhospitable.

It does but isn't the whole stretch going to be ripped out and a quality pedestrian focused public realm built in the next 5-8 years? There certainly won't be 4 lanes devoted to cars either.
Thanks for the pics.

I really like the base of this building and think that it does a fine job of adding to the streetscape (and improving it. As for the what retail elements end up here, is another topic. I am just discussing form).

And yes, like so much of the public realm in the city, the area could certainly use some greenery.
