Address: 501 Yonge St., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2022
Height: 561 ft / 170.98 mStoreys: 52 storeys
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Toronto TeaHouse 501 Yonge Condominiums | 170.98m | 52s | Lanterra | a—A

Firehouse is decent, but not worth the premium. Belly Busters is still my favourite sub in Toronto.

Firehouse is also a classic "chain" and is far from a unique offering.
I’m looking to rent an apartment at 18 Maitland and have 2 questions:

1. Has the issue with alarms going off frequently at night been resolved?
2. Is the gym and other amenities currently in use?

Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Thank you!
I’m looking to rent an apartment at 18 Maitland and have 2 questions:

1. Has the issue with alarms going off frequently at night been resolved?
2. Is the gym and other amenities currently in use?

Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Thank you!
1. I been living this building for almosf 3 year. First one year was bad but last one year, i haven't really had issue with fire alarms. But yes few times someone triggered alarm at night but nothing excessive.
2. Gym, party room, BBQ are now accessible. Swimming pool not yet.

Personal opinion on this building
pros. location is great. I have unobstructed view. Layout is decent. No wasted space on my unit. Plenty of free visitor parking.

Cons.not so fan of manangement. Staffs are rude. Swimming pool still under construction.
Still under construction? That's bonkers. Have you received any official notice(s) from Lanterra? If they've closed the building and turned everything over to the condo corp, unfortunately there's not really any mechanism to get them to complete this scope.
