Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Oh, for the love of god! Really, this is simply overreacting and blowing things out of proportion. Some industries and jobs are dangerous. That's the nature of their job. There's nothing new here. Construction can be dangerous and occasionally, someone dies. 5 deaths a year isn't a crisis. I cannot believe how wimpy people have become. Sheesh....

I don't think anyone used the word crisis. Because of a strong emphasis on workplace safety, construction sites have been made less deadly. Mining, quarrying and oil production jobs are statistically more dangerous than construction, as is logging and forestry. Still, any effort to reduce workplace fatalities is always a plus, and I'm sure that the industry - and the workers in particular - still aim for a zero figure mark.
I worked in the industrial electrical area for 31 years, and people died every year in that field. It's the nature of the job. The same as the police and construction. The numbers go up and down in relation to the number of people working in that job.
Now back on topic.
June 23
The protection is being removed and will get clean shots of the full tower now. You still can see where the next level of columns that are still to be built, are to go.
From John St
June 23
The protection is being removed and will get clean shots of the full tower now.

LOL! love all of these phrases coming in! :p
can someone tell me what level is the one with high ceilings right below the setback (is it level 53/54?) i'm so confused with all this level 13 stuff and all.

Does the OFFICIAL floor count go by skipping level 13?
Oh, for the love of god! Really, this is simply overreacting and blowing things out of proportion. Some industries and jobs are dangerous. That's the nature of their job. There's nothing new here. Construction can be dangerous and occasionally, someone dies. 5 deaths a year isn't a crisis. I cannot believe how wimpy people have become. Sheesh....

What a thing to say! Are you a sociopath or something?

Five deaths a year isn't a crisis, until that death is yours, or your father, brother or other loved one. Then it's a huge crisis. Yep, other jobs are more dangerous but I live in Toronto and in this city it seems the most dangerous job is construction. I certainly wouldn't work at a job with that many deaths per year. They don't even get danger pay. Hell, some working for temp agencies make just above minimum wage. I would imagine a high profile site like this would have top of the line safety procedures, so I guess you're safer here than on smaller sites.
Oh, for the love of god! Really, this is simply overreacting and blowing things out of proportion. Some industries and jobs are dangerous. That's the nature of their job. There's nothing new here. Construction can be dangerous and occasionally, someone dies. 5 deaths a year isn't a crisis. I cannot believe how wimpy people have become. Sheesh....

^This is one of those things... That even if you think it, it should never be said in public. Just like racial slurs, misogynist viewpoints, religious intolerance and any other forms of prejudice.

This member is often abusive to others, but this tasteless, insensitive post crosses a line considering we have wopchop (a construction worker) as a member on this thread. Why not just spit in his face next time?
LOL! love all of these phrases coming in! :p
can someone tell me what level is the one with high ceilings right below the setback (is it level 53/54?) i'm so confused with all this level 13 stuff and all.

Does the OFFICIAL floor count go by skipping level 13?

That is Construction Level 53 (Counted from the bottom skipping 13) and Floor 54 (As it will say in the elevator buttons and on the doors of the units. Like: 5402.)

LOL! love all of these phrases coming in! :p
can someone tell me what level is the one with high ceilings right below the setback (is it level 53/54?) i'm so confused with all this level 13 stuff and all.

Does the OFFICIAL floor count go by skipping level 13?

Steveve, in "official" UT terminology a storey is how many actual full levels there are from ground up in a building. We abbreviate storey down to "s" in the thread titles of course. We use "floor" to denote what the developer is numbering the level as...

Which is just to agree with and expand upon what Traynor wrote above.

I've been a little confused too with different reports of what floor or level they are at. Good to hear that it's at L53/F54, I thought it was pretty much topped out and was disappointed I wouldn't get a view of the top of Trump from where I live.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Man dt, I am so jealous of your view from your place.. That angle of the skyline, with Maple Leaf Gardens in the foreground?? I would love to live there..
You're one lucky SOB I'll say that much.
LOL! love all of these phrases coming in! :p
can someone tell me what level is the one with high ceilings right below the setback (is it level 53/54?) i'm so confused with all this level 13 stuff and all.

Does the OFFICIAL floor count go by skipping level 13?
The setback is Level 54, which makes the floor below it L53. That is the official count and 100% accurate. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. I ignore all of this "skipping level 13" business because it's dumb.

DT, you have an amazing view. Wow. Nice pictures!
^This is one of those things... That even if you think it, it should never be said in public. Just like racial slurs, misogynist viewpoints, religious intolerance and any other forms of prejudice.

This member is often abusive to others, but this tasteless, insensitive post crosses a line considering we have wopchop (a construction worker) as a member on this thread. Why not just spit in his face next time?

Should have stopped earlier...religion IS intolerance.
k. thanks for all the clarification.
We are at level 56 now dt_toronto_geek, so about 2 more tall floors to go with the onion dome + spire, so it should make a fair impact on your view, but the important thing is that you are able to see the onion dome + spire :D
