Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

from today

I've been a little confused too with different reports of what floor or level they are at. Good to hear that it's at L53/F54, I thought it was pretty much topped out and was disappointed I wouldn't get a view of the top of Trump from where I live.

You won't get much more from where you are. Using Steveve's quick outline method, you only get this much more:

(Image courtesy of you in this thread. ;) )
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You won't get much more from where you are. Using Steveve's quick outline method, you only get this much more:

(Image courtesy of you in this thread. ;) )

even for a line sketch..... THAT was PRO!!! holy cow.... but yeah, i think all that was left out was the TRUMP box,... this tower fits in PERFECTLY in this view, right in between Scotia and FCP, definitely looks good on paper (or digitally sketched), this crown/onion dome spire takes the view/cbd skyline from an 8 to a 9.

even for a line sketch..... THAT was PRO!!! holy cow.... but yeah, i think all that was left out was the TRUMP box,... this tower fits in PERFECTLY in this view, right in between Scotia and FCP, definitely looks good on paper (or digitally sketched), this crown/onion dome spire takes the view/cbd skyline from an 8 to a 9.

Is there still going to be a box above 58 that says "Trump"? That last one I drew is 58 and the Skyplex only gets the space under the dome and a bit more. I thought that was the floor that will have the Trump logo.

Edit: More like this:

(Original image courtesy dt_toronto_geek in this thread. )
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^^ great job traynor, although I might be wrong I believe you're one floor short.

Also, about the Onion dome, is it going to be a closed dome or is it going to be just the glass and metal 90 degrees from each other where it's open (sorry for my poor explanation)
Level 58 (the floor with the TRUMP logo) should be a bit higher than that.

Oh OK. Just as Steveve and sentinel suggested.

So what is inside this box and what is on the parts of floors 57 and 58 that isn't occupied by the Skyplex?

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Level 58 is mechanical. Level 57 is penthouse, with (I think) room for mechanical.

When we tested the lights on a couple panels, they were just regular 'white' light. I'm not too sure if there is going to be some system in place that will control the colour or not? Just by looking at the panel, I can't tell, and electrical isn't part of my scope anyway, so I don't even have those drawings. I'm leaning towards no at this point, because a bunch of rotating colours doesn't seem to fit in with the Trump image of 'sophisticated, classy, blah blah blah".
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Wow, talk about branding! The Trump name will be front and centre in just about the most notable location in the CBD.
There is some strange stuff on the plans. Like on Level 57 there are "Doors" outside going from the railing of the Terrace to the white part on the South and East sides.

What's with those doors on the terrace of Level 57? where do they go?

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Well, those are from Talon, so 58 is 57, 57 is 56 etc.

Basically all those spaces are occupied by damper tanks, mechanical rooms, the building maintenance unit, etc.

I know for a fact that "Trump Sign Level" (Which is Level 58) is 100% mechanical. I know that the level beneath it is split between the upper portion of the super penthouse and some mechanical. I'm not sure how split it is, though. I don't deal with interior finishing at all, so I'm just operating from memory here. I can double check the upper floor plans tomorrow.

Those doors go to the rest of the terrace. What is on that terrace? I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a launching point for the BMU.
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