Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Thanks for the welcome! I'll be sure to do so.

I saw some people wondering about the view from the residential units. I'll try and remember to take some photos of that (from L43).

Looking very closley at this picture, I detected a very slight setback on the Southeast corner. (Maybe only a foot or two deep) It will give some added detail to an otherwise flat South facade of the residential floors.


(Image courtesy yyzer in this thread)

That's actually the West side, but yeah, the building does jog in a wee bit.
Ummm.. Brain fog... I meant Southwest corner.

yup... you're right. i think its where the granite on the south side ends,

On that corner and on the South Facade, the granite ended many floors below that new setback, as shown below. But it may line up with the top of the end of the granite facade on the South side close to the East, above the amenities floor and the balconies..


(Image courtesy ShonTron on page 386 found here: )
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funny how you'd think there would be way more people in the city with insider access/views to die for, that would post/join UT.. including the thousands of office workers high up in those bank towers.from a skyscraper geek POV, it's such a shame/waste....
welcome to the forum WopChop! post here often :D
big fan of all the work being done in Toronto. My all time favorite city. Been reading this thread a long time now.. good comments and great pictures.. still would be nice to have one distance shot now and again of the north east side of trump. frrom maybe the other side of dvp!
Thanks for the welcome! I'll be sure to do so.

I saw some people wondering about the view from the residential units. I'll try and remember to take some photos of that (from L43).

That's actually the West side, but yeah, the building does jog in a wee bit.

Thanks for the updates you can solve the mystery of the 'wrong glazing' on those windows on the west side of the tower??? Was that intentional or a mistake?? Thanks
There was a fashion show inside Trump Toronto...



This building still have something like 10 More floors to go.. but the hotel levels seem to by ready to go..

More photos here

Fashion Show? weird... this building doesn't even "look" anywhere near finished (on the outside). at least you'd think they'd make it more presentable at ground level before hosting such an event. the ground level is near completion, but not completed yet.
very odd if you ask me....
There was a fashion show inside Trump Toronto...


One of the guys on the left side of the photo buys second hand purses at the Sunday St. Lawrence Market and sells them in a second floor vintage place at Queen and Bathurst ... that's how exclusive this "fashion show" is.
One of the guys on the left side of the photo buys second hand purses at the Sunday St. Lawrence Market and sells them in a second floor vintage place at Queen and Bathurst ... that's how exclusive this "fashion show" is.

This is Toronto fashion week I persume ... I hear about it every year, and in Canada it's a big event or so I'm told but I gather internationally Toronto (or should I say Canada) really isn't known for this sort of thing.
Now having said that, again I'm told this as I know nothing, there are apparently quite a few well renowned Canadian fashion artists ? (not sure what the term is) but in terms of shows held in Canada .... ?
