Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

neat pic showing how reflections/lighting can really change this building ^^^
the corner area that meets the curved facade will at least add some interest to the eye when viewed from the east.
I believe it will appear less gratuitous when there are more of them! Isn't it just the first level of continuous glass on that side and therefore looks a lot more contrasty?...or gratuitous?

Nice gratuitous comeback.
What's with the gratuitous green stripe?

That particular stripe is not *gratuitous of *superfluous: If fact it is the first green spandrel ABOVE a row of windows underneath. The angle of the picture and the fact that it is 2 dimensional, tricks the viewer into thinking it is directly above the granite of the east side, when in fact that floor is set back and only the very top of that row of windows can be glimpsed.

(*any more than the rest of the tacky green stripes are superfluous in my mind)
Probably a bit slow cause they have to get the reception and hotel opened on time.

Anyone who's walked around the base of the Trump can confirm there's a lot of attention to this area currently. I'm hoping to get over tonight to take a couple of photos through the Adelaide-facing windows where you can see a lot of work going on in the lobby. Another detail that I noticed for the first time yesterday is the contrasting horizontal black granite accents at street level.
Maybe it's just me but I think this tower is getting better as it goes up.

Once it's finished it might look a lot better than people are expecting/giving it credit for, maybe the quarter onion dome and spire bring everything together..

words in the article included
"landmark" and "something the city can be proud of"
- these are hopeful words, things might seem gloomy now, but i'm hoping things will turn out better :)
It ain't $20,000 a night for that suite for nothing!

First part of article:

At the age of 42, Alex Shnaider has built the tallest residential tower in Canada — and the second tallest building in Toronto, after the CN Tower.

- REALLY?!?! why!!!! lol!
^My friend just assessed his building on the bridal path for us at my work. It is very unique and the market value we get will be well under the market value of the actual property. But alas, with buildings on that nature, there are few, if any comparable properties and it is often the case that the MRA model undervalues them. Personally I would estimate a cost replacement of that property to be closer to 20 million. Its over 20,000 sqft with a two floor walk in closet, just to give you an idea. And that is just for his wife...
words in the article included
"landmark" and "something the city can be proud of"
- these are hopeful words, things might seem gloomy now, but i'm hoping things will turn out better :)
It ain't $20,000 a night for that suite for nothing!

Yes, but those are words quoted from the developer. What did you expect him to say?

With regards to his house, I like the finer things for sure, but that seems exceedingly excessive. I fail to see the point of having a 20,000 sq ft house. It's probably pretty garish looking too; I'm guessing lots of faux historicist detailing from mis-matched eras.
