Its is a capital crime, is it not??
Not sure what you mean though, do you mean make it a death penalty crime??
While capital crimes are sometimes defined (typically including homicide, and treason) ; they are broadly understood as offenses for which a possible punishment is the death penalty.
I propose an automatic 5-year prison sentence for anyone caught carrying an illegal (or unlicensed) gun.
That should make some of these gangbangers think twice at least
The woman in the story above is facing 10 years in prison.
I suspect that she didn't seriously consider that when committing the crime and probably didn't imagine she'd be caught either.
I think we have to consider the evidence that 'tough' sentences rarely make a difference in rates of most offenses. There can be some impact; but remember, the developed world nation with the toughest
sentencing laws is the U.S.; which also has the highest rates of crime.
One has clearly not resolved the other.
In this case, the woman appeared, superficially, to be otherwise law abiding, a single mother of three, with, I believe 2 adult children and one still in High School.
She was on Social Assistance and had some, limited, lawful employment.
I don't know, but I imagine a romantic or other acquaintance approached her with an offer she simply found too tempting to say no to.
Of course, she should have; and she's made a terrible mess for herself and her kids.
What would have made a difference in this case? I don't know, if the woman were talking (she isn't, and didn't testify at her trial) it would perhaps be insightful to know.
But we can say this much, generally, the better your life is, by and large, the less willing you are to take dumb risks for a modest pay off.
We can't say in this case whether more help getting good employment, or more generous social assistance would have made any difference; but
we can surely say the threat of a 10 year prison sentence did not.