Active Member
So there are a variety of potential scenarios:
a) applicant modifies the proposal based on some of the concerns outlined by the planning department and resubmits a modified proposal;
b) applicant hopes that the political decision will be different then the recommendations of the planning department (this happens all the time - although typically the reverse scenario where the planning department recommends approval and the local councilor votes against a proposal based on political pressure from ratepayers groups or an anti-development attitude)
c) applicant appeals to the OMB
Scenario B appears to be the winner:
Committee Recommendations
The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council approve the application for rezoning of 306-322 Richmond Street West.
2. The proposed Zoning By-law and Section 37 agreement shall:
a. secure an appropriate financial contribution to community benefits within Ward20;
b. secure architectural plans, elevations and landscaping including 1:50 elevations to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, and require the owner, in conjunction with each Site Plan Application, to submit 1:50 scale drawings in conformity with this requirement;
c. secure 10% of the proposed residential dwelling units as 3-bedroom units and/or have knock-out panels to enable the conversion;
d. prohibit an entertainment facility-nightclub use on the lot, as defined by By-law 301-2006; and
e. address such additional technical issues that may be identified by commenting divisions.
3. The Section 37 Agreement be executed prior to the City Council's passage of the Zoning By-law.
You can read all about it here: