The 27 Heath Street proposal is in an entirely different area, but yes, otherwise, there are lots of proposals for the are that do not fit the City's vision for King Spadina.
It is possible that all of the others you mention will therefore be recommended for rejection by the City's Planning Department. Being recommended for rejection by the planners, however, is not an automatic death sentence for the projects; City Council has not always followed the recommendation. Also, Council is likely to have a difficult time defending King Spadina's secondary plan now since both Boutique's developer and M5V's developer were able to successfully argue before the OMB that Festival Tower set a precedent for the area when it was allowed to rise as high as it is going.
While the City argues that Festival Tower is on the edge of the area, not the middle of it, it is moving that edge inward by allowing Festival Tower to go ahead. Subsequently east of Spadina I believe the City will have a tough time keeping the taller towers out. The economy may slow the Manhattanization of the area however...