Toronto Panda Condominiums | 107.59m | 30s | Lifetime | Turner Fleischer



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I'm not that interested in the condo but can't wait for the project to be completed. A second exit from the platform at Dundas Station is of utmost importance.
Knockout panels have been designed into the below-grade retail level for potential new north entrances to Dundas station, but that's it for the moment: don't get your hopes up for a quick build of that.

I thought I saw the TTC area in the architectural plans submitted to the City. Why would there be a delay from the completion of the condo to the opening of the subway entrance? It's my understanding that the Totem Condo subway entrance will be completed at the same time as the building.
I thought I saw the TTC area in the architectural plans submitted to the City. Why would there be a delay from the completion of the condo to the opening of the subway entrance? It's my understanding that the Totem Condo subway entrance will be completed at the same time as the building.
I just took a look at the current plans posted on the city's website and it doesn't appear to show any form of a TTC connection.

I believe the TTC is planning for a second entrance once the HMV/Empty lot at Gould and Yonge redevelops... whenever that is.
I thought I saw the TTC area in the architectural plans submitted to the City. Why would there be a delay from the completion of the condo to the opening of the subway entrance? It's my understanding that the Totem Condo subway entrance will be completed at the same time as the building.
There'll be a delay because there's no plan to go ahead on the connection at all: they're only required to put in knock-out panels, as I said, in case a tunnel gets constructed to this building from a new Dundas station entrance, if it's built.

Lifetime is required to put $3.5 M into the Section 37 kitty for local improvements which may include a PATH tunnel, more likely one to The Atrium on Bay. A new subway staton entrance would cost many, many, many more millions than that.

I just took a look at the current plans posted on the city's website and it doesn't appear to show any form of a TTC connection.

I believe the TTC is planning for a second entrance once the HMV/Empty lot at Gould and Yonge redevelops... whenever that is.
Wouldn't that second entrance still only be accessible via development across the street and the Atrium? Since connection via 20 Dundas is a no-go.
