Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

In NY I recall Trump had the lower floors of his 90 story east side tower occupied while the top floors were still under construction. So it wouldnt surprise me if there's a 1 year lag depending on your floor.
Before we discuss people moving in while it's still being built, perhaps we should really focus on if they're ever going to, oh, I don't know, say, start building it?! I walk past the site every week, it's the slowest project I've ever been witness too. After so many months, it's still a big hole in he ground. Shouldn't they have at least erected the crane by now? Seems like they are delaying it on purpose. I hope I'm wrong, and I know it's a small pit to be filled with equipment as others have stated, but I've never yet seen the workers actually working, anyone know why? Now that they've been approved for an additional five floors (anyone know what the new height will be?) I thought they'd be further ahead, any thought anyone?
I'm never by in the daytime but I can see the pit slowly getting deeper, so it is an active site. I thought I saw a whole lot of rebar at the south-east corner of the site a few weeks ago but whatever it was it was a false alarm, they still need to go down more. If the weather holds I'd bet another month or so and they'll be ready to start prepping for the crane(s) and they'll have the bottom of the foundation in by early to mid-fall.
I'm never by in the daytime but I can see the pit slowly getting deeper, so it is an active site. I thought I saw a whole lot of rebar at the south-east corner of the site a few weeks ago but whatever it was it was a false alarm, they still need to go down more. If the weather holds I'd bet another month or so and they'll be ready to start prepping for the crane(s) and they'll have the bottom of the foundation in by early to mid-fall.

Still, we have had an exceptionally good construction season, good temperatures and little to no rain - still construction is painfully slow. Doesn't make sense.
The "are we there yet" crowd doesn't care about what's on the road, they only care about the destination. So quit wrecking the fun they have complaining - explanations simply aren't helpful.
I heard whisperings that this is being capped at the fifth parking level and then building a below-grade park right above it. Apparently there'll be an elevator to get you to the one level of parking below.
Yes, it is indeed going to be 75 floors, was approved and announced many weeks ago, guess the web hasn't caught wind of it just yet. The previous one Bloor tower was approved for 900m, so it was quite easy for great gulf to add 5 more floors. I still can't find out what he new adjusted height will be, anyone??
Yes, it is indeed going to be 75 floors, was approved and announced many weeks ago, guess the web hasn't caught wind of it just yet. The previous one Bloor tower was approved for 900m, so it was quite easy for great gulf to add 5 more floors. I still can't find out what he new adjusted height will be, anyone??

Usually when its official the thread title reflects that!!!!!!:rolleyes: I kinda have used that as a baromoter, but its still at 70???

But thanx , I thought that was the case!!!~
I heard whisperings that this is being capped at the fifth parking level and then building a below-grade park right above it. Apparently there'll be an elevator to get you to the one level of parking below.

The sad part is I think this will go right over the heads of those it is directed at.

Yes, it is indeed going to be 75 floors, was approved and announced many weeks ago, guess the web hasn't caught wind of it just yet. The previous one Bloor tower was approved for 900m, so it was quite easy for great gulf to add 5 more floors. I still can't find out what he new adjusted height will be, anyone??

Um what?
The "are we there yet" crowd doesn't care about what's on the road, they only care about the destination. So quit wrecking the fun they have complaining - explanations simply aren't helpful.

Yes, I'm egar to see it built, but my comment isn't geared towards impatience, but towards concern. I've been so looking forward to this new stunning tower which is way over due, when I se what appears delays, I'm fearful it's been cancelled. I know it's silly, I'm just hoping everything is still on track
