Toronto One Bedford | ?m | 32s | Lanterra | KPMB

I believe the plan (a while back) was for a higher end restaurant
No, but it would be nice if they put the Harvey's back.

And the Swiss Chalet.

We don't NEED more high-end restaurants/shopping in the bottom of every high end condo. People still need Harveys and Swiss Chalet. I'm serious.
I've never understood the hate-on for Swiss Chalet. I rarely eat at chain restaurants, but Swiss Chalet is one that I think is actually quite good. The chicken is flavourful, the fries are great, and the Chalet sauce is delicious (and fat free).

If Swiss Chalet returned to the neighbourhood it would definitely be a good thing. As was said earlier, not every new building needs a fancy restaurant in the base (although Nota Bene is a great addition to the Queen and University area, it's true).
The market dictates what places open. Condos are people's homes, so it makes sense that the retail in condo bases is geared towards convenience and everyday items. There are plenty of great restaurants all around the city though, so I wouldn't be too concerned. Besides, in this area, I'll wager that One Bedford will get some nicer retail than the standard stock; I can't imagine Harvey's reopening here.

And Swiss Chalet is decent for what it is, but there are far better rotisserie chicken places out there. I am a sucker for their chalet sauce every now and then though.
The market dictates what places open. Condos are people's homes, so it makes sense that the retail in condo bases is geared towards convenience and everyday items.

The market does decide something but the owners of the retail spots will have final say. They don't care about the people above, they care about the returns from their units.
The retail units of One Bedford will get far more traffic from passersby here than they will from condo dwellers in the building: this project is across the street from a subway station, a university including its sports stadium, the Royal Conservatory, and down the block from the country's largest museum. There are scores of other destinations nearby, meaning that the barbarian hordes will walking past everyday, the same hordes that supported both a Harvey's and Swiss Chalet before.

The owners of the One Bedford will have to decide, however, whether those restaurants and other 'low-end' retail fit the image they want their building to project: it could be that One Bedford will reject overtures to lease to certain brands that are 'off-message'. Any reticence to do that will be tempered by their ability to attract the higher end retail and dining that they are seeking though: if the Nota Benes of this city don't inquire, or if eventually they do not succeed at this location, you can bet that in time the Harvey's and the Swiss Chalets will return to this stretch of Bloor.

Generally speaking retail in buildings like this is owned by a separate corporation that has no legal connection to the condo beyond working together on common areas of the building. The condo corporation and the owners of said condos will have no say in what retailers locate here.
Generally speaking retail in buildings like this is owned by a separate corporation that has no legal connection to the condo beyond working together on common areas of the building. The condo corporation and the owners of said condos will have no say in what retailers locate here.

Yeah, but the retail rent per sq./ft. will.
What's the point of opening a Swiss Chalet there when there's already one a couple of blocks away on Bloor and Spadina?
Ceiling heights are fairly high here - so that feature in addition to the location will influence the retail options. It was my understanding that a coffee joint or cafe was planned for the little courtyard being created off Bedford (although I'm working off distant memory here).

A point of interest: The Swiss Chalet that was formerly in this location was the very first Swiss Chalet restaurant.
Nov 7 Visit





Yes, the Swiss Chalet that was here way predated the one that opened at Bloor and Spadina. And, the one at Bloor and Spadina is a take-out only location, not a real restaurant.
The retail units of One Bedford will get far more traffic from passersby here than they will from condo dwellers in the building: this project is across the street from a subway station, a university including its sports stadium, the Royal Conservatory, and down the block from the country's largest museum. There are scores of other destinations nearby, meaning that the barbarian hordes will walking past everyday, the same hordes that supported both a Harvey's and Swiss Chalet before.

The owners of the One Bedford will have to decide, however, whether those restaurants and other 'low-end' retail fit the image they want their building to project: it could be that One Bedford will reject overtures to lease to certain brands that are 'off-message'. Any reticence to do that will be tempered by their ability to attract the higher end retail and dining that they are seeking though: if the Nota Benes of this city don't inquire, or if eventually they do not succeed at this location, you can bet that in time the Harvey's and the Swiss Chalets will return to this stretch of Bloor.


that's similar to all the objections from yorkville stores when WINNERS opened at the former chapters location on Bloor.
