Toronto One Bedford | ?m | 32s | Lanterra | KPMB

It's the new Murano.

We could make a hilarious movie about it: Three Men and a Contract

I watched the crane go up a few months ago. Already, they are at grade. Construction often seems to pick up speed from this point.
There has been a fair amount of work done on this project and has been on the parking garage that 3 floors deep. They are on level two and starting to work on level one. Should be out of the ground by Oct.

A couple of jumbo panoramas taken today. (You may have to click a second time on the pic to see the jumbo full sized version).

First one is looking east. Second one is looking north.


Their website shows a scale model and a render which appear somewhat different. I'm not sure which one is correct.
The scale model was an earlier proposal that was refined by Lanterra following consultations and eventually a compromise agreement with the local ratepayers. The rendering is a more acurate depiction of what will be constructed
