Toronto Nicholas Residences | ?m | 35s | Urban Capital | Core Architects

Funny. I find this oddly sexy, even if it's "simply a tower on a site"

Well adma, "there is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." In truth though, I find the comparison disingenuous since we both know Herr Oßwald's turm broke barriers in both scale and style. While Herr Gane's tower certainly does conform to the former of those earlier achievements, it hardly presents anything new in the way of highrise construction, much less the radical departure which its Stuttgart brother did eighty years prior. In that sense, though it might just be 'a tower on a site,' it is hardly "simple."
67 St Nicholas Street

Our posters are definitately being torn down. Someone on this forum said something to the effect that they were doing this whenever they were in the area. I thought it was a bad joke at the time. You may not agree with our position, but I think its scuzzy to tear down our posters.

As for moving for Riverdale, under the current development policies of the City of Toronto, there won't be a Riverdale in the future. Look at the Annex - its already under siege from highrise condo development.

On certain streets, highrise development may make sense but not on St. Nicholas.
As for moving for Riverdale, under the current development policies of the City of Toronto, there won't be a Riverdale in the future. Look at the Annex - its already under siege from highrise condo development.

On certain streets, highrise development may make sense but not on St. Nicholas.

What's happening on St. Nicholas is hardly comparable with what's happening elsewhere, or in Riverdale or the Annex. Location-wise especially.
As for moving for Riverdale, under the current development policies of the City of Toronto, there won't be a Riverdale in the future. Look at the Annex - its already under siege from highrise condo development.

Could you provide examples of inappropriate development in the Annex and Riverdale please?

Our posters are definitately being torn down. Someone on this forum said something to the effect that they were doing this whenever they were in the area. I thought it was a bad joke at the time. You may not agree with our position, but I think its scuzzy to tear down our posters.

Defacing your own neighbourhood with those fliers is just plain stupid.

On certain streets, highrise development may make sense but not on St. Nicholas.

I respect your opinion, but I disagree with regards to Urban Capital's proposals
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Look at the Annex - its already under siege from highrise condo development.
Under siege? Really? Is there tanks and guns involved?

On certain streets, highrise development may make sense but not on St. Nicholas.

St. Nicholas is one street behind Yonge Street... if there is any place that highrise development makes sense, this is a prime example. Just because there are currently homes there doesn't mean that highrise condos can't go there as well.
Our posters are definitately being torn down. Someone on this forum said something to the effect that they were doing this whenever they were in the area. I thought it was a bad joke at the time. You may not agree with our position, but I think its scuzzy to tear down our posters.

FYI ... it is illegal to post notices/flyers/bills on municipal property, you are however allowed to post theses on private property with the permission of the property owner ~

(yes, those light posts along St. Nicholas Street are within the municipal right of way ;))
Our posters are definitately being torn down. Someone on this forum said something to the effect that they were doing this whenever they were in the area. I thought it was a bad joke at the time. You may not agree with our position, but I think its scuzzy to tear down our posters.

It's funny, when I go through my neighbourhood doing the same thing people always, without exception, thank me for it. My answer to someone who disagrees is this: you have the right to put them up? Well, I have the right to take them down.
I especially love how the video noted that the townhouses were built 20th century. Oh, what a storied time it was back in the 20th century!
"20th century townhouses" ... LOL, hey they may as well as label them as 'heritage buildings' while they are at it ~ ;)
Well adma, "there is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." In truth though, I find the comparison disingenuous since we both know Herr Oßwald's turm broke barriers in both scale and style. While Herr Gane's tower certainly does conform to the former of those earlier achievements, it hardly presents anything new in the way of highrise construction, much less the radical departure which its Stuttgart brother did eighty years prior. In that sense, though it might just be 'a tower on a site,' it is hardly "simple."

But in the end...why must it present "anything new"? And furthermore, at this rate given all that's been going up and proposed about town, what's so "anything new" about the original peanut-shaped tower proposal, even? That is, so "anything new" that the substitute is supposedly so obviously watered-down and inferior by comparison? I see apples and oranges here, not urban masterpiece vs. cop-out...
The video is simply amazing. The Death Star music is wonderfully over the top.

That being said, I can appreciate some of their NIMBYISM. I'm not too crazy about the design of the building and its sad to see St Regis go.

If I was on their committee, I'd fight to make the building really sexy. The height is less of a factor for me - there is already a lot of height in the area, and this building won't really be shading St Nicholas street. Or are they concerned about the precedent it sets?

Note to St Nicks Guys: why not have a design competition set up to imagine what *should* be developed here? If you can show the city what you'd prefer, it might make them more amenable to your position.
Note to St Nicks Guys: why not have a design competition set up to imagine what *should* be developed here? If you can show the city what you'd prefer, it might make them more amenable to your position.

Because, despite their protestations, they don't really want anything developed here.

They want to stay in their own little bubble while the city grows around them.
Their website claims they would be okay with a shorter development, and that they think Toronto does need to intensify. I know that they sound like they are just NIMBYs (the Death Star music really helps with that impression), but if they are actually just concerned urbanists, we should think of a way to help them compromise instead of just criticizing them. Getting this dull tower built just to spite their possible NIMBYism isn't going to help anyone.
