Toronto Nicholas Residences | ?m | 35s | Urban Capital | Core Architects

First, I haven't moved despite the suggestions that I do so. And I don't intend to.

I'll reiterate our message - we are not anti-intensification. All we are asking for is balance, some breathing room and green space to keep this city liveable.

Intensfication doesn't mean a highrise tower every block of vacant land downtown.

I personally think the website and video is great!

Check them out: and

Also we were out postering today again and lots of people came up and expressed support. The message from everyone was the same - they are sick and tired of highrise condo towers taken over the city.

Good for you and your group for standing your ground, I respect your passion - I really do. But I don't support your argument.

First, please explain exactly how "balance, breathing room and green space" will be affected by this project? Next, by your very own words "intensification doesn't mean a highrise tower every block of vacant land downtown" illustrates that you don't support intensification at all because that is clearly not what is happening in Toronto. Finally, your position that there is some kind of evil entity related to this project (referencing your whacked-out website) reeks of NIMBYISM to the nth degree, plain and simple.
I'll reiterate our message - we are not anti-intensification. .... The message from everyone was the same - they are sick and tired of highrise condo towers taken over the city.

One key to coherant opposition is internal consistency.
What a funny video!
If it was meant to be serious, I'm very sorry.
That lounge lizard music was high-larious!
St. Nick's is located in the Canadian equivalent of Midtown Manhattan. Not Chelsea, Not Greenwich, Not Soho.
So move to Riverdale.
As for the bland box, it wasn't bland at all originally.
But now, thanks to NIMBY-ites, it is.
Nice work.
As for the bland box, it wasn't bland at all originally.
But now, thanks to NIMBY-ites, it is.
Nice work.

I tend to agree that it wasn't necessarily any more *un*-bland before than now. Tall glass towers with De Stijl bases are jading me these days...

Yeah yer probably right. I just like 'em tall.
Size queen. What can I say.
Mars, the Bringer of War kicks bossa nova's ass any day - resistance is futile. The video reminds me of Monty Python's The Crimson Permanent Assurance.

Curvaceous Mr. Peanut would have been a standout on the skyline - and might have given Madame X a run for her money in vying for Casa's attentions - but the shorter revised design has much charm and fits in quite nicely with the boxier Modernist neighbours.
Curvaceous Mr. Peanut would have been a standout on the skyline - and might have given Madame X a run for her money in vying for Casa's attentions - but the shorter revised design has much charm and fits in quite nicely with the boxier Modernist neighbours.

Yeah, just a different kettle of fish. Like opting for HRC over Obama, as opposed to opting for McCain/Palin over Obama...
St. Nicholas Street looking north and in front of the site in question

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Curvaceous Mr. Peanut would have been a standout on the skyline - and might have given Madame X a run for her money in vying for Casa's attentions - but the shorter revised design has much charm and fits in quite nicely with the boxier Modernist neighbours.

Yeah, just a different kettle of fish. Like opting for HRC over Obama, as opposed to opting for McCain/Palin over Obama...

But why didn't they just shorten the original design? Perhaps they knew it wouldn't be approved and were therefore given license to create whatever they wanted. Once the envelope was determined, Core seems to have reverted to the clumsy language of Boutique et. al and gave us what we were always going to get (and, it seems, that which some prefer).
Well, maybe it isn't fatally unpreferrable, or clumsy, etc? Tall curvy shafts are getting to be a borderline Kirkor-ish cliche, after all...
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Serious question:

Is it illegal in any way to remove such posters if you are not the person who posted them?

Plus, it's illegal to post them.
Well, maybe it isn't fatally unpreferrable, or clumsy, etc? Tall curvy shafts are getting to be a borderline Kirkor-ish cliche, after all...

True adma, but as Mrs. Clewes consistently points out, God is in the details. It takes a deft hand to produce a truly sexy, curvy, tube but anyone can draw a cylinder. For that reason, I do not see the next bit of drippy, aA, sex, but simply a tower on a site. Done. "Where's my fee," cries Mr. Gane.
True adma, but as Mrs. Clewes consistently points out, God is in the details. It takes a deft hand to produce a truly sexy, curvy, tube but anyone can draw a cylinder. For that reason, I do not see the next bit of drippy, aA, sex, but simply a tower on a site. Done. "Where's my fee," cries Mr. Gane.

Funny. I find this oddly sexy, even if it's "simply a tower on a site"

