Toronto Nicholas Residences | ?m | 35s | Urban Capital | Core Architects

Wow is that site terrible and incoherent. The arguments get lost in juvenile graphics and the reasoning is almost non-existent (and I am very sympathetic to the argument that there is a proper and improper place for tall).
Here is a website that sums it up.

First 44 stories, now 29 stories and thats not good enough, i understand your point, but hey we are all victims of living in the big city, just a couple blocks from you there are 40-50-60 storey buildings proposed and under construction. Im sure your group is well known at City Hall for fighting against most of these developments. The bottom line is, its a bitch when it is proposed in your backyard..... Good Luck
Here is a website that sums it up.

That YouTube video at the bottom of page one nearly made me fall off my chair with laughter, who produced that?! I hope your not paying anyone to advise or consult you to support this "battle". If so, fire them! "Another BLAND glass box infesting the downtown" - are you serious?! Why is the bulky 500 Sherbourne project shown on your site to illustrate what is being proposed? Clearly ludicrous. The "Why is this Development Like Pornography?" paragraph is probably my favorate.

We finally have our first Urban Toronto viral video! Make sure you turn up the volume, it's even better with sound.
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How people can live in a downtown core yet dislike high-density living is beyond me. You can't have your cake and eat it too. It reeks of selfishness and it almost makes me hope that this neighbourhood will one day be perpetually bathed in shadow so that all the NIMBYs infesting it will be forced to pick and move to Mississauga.
This tower is hideous though. I'm all for high density development, but not just for the sake of high density. This tower is just another bland boring box. If we had something that looks more like WHC or Uptown, then I would be happy.
I'm actually a fan of how they have transformed the old industrial heritage box at the bottom into something half-decent at street level. That should be the most important part to these groups, there is no light coming to the area already, I don't understand what is wrong with 29 stories. I think anything under 40 is reasonable in this area.
Personally, I wish they had gone ahead with 44 stories. I don't mind this building, but the roof could use some work...
Good to see that in their blind rage, the folks on this street also managed to neuter what would have been an interesting tower.

Good to see that in their blind rage, the folks on this street also managed to neuter what would have been an interesting tower.


I like both proposals and I just finished an email to all Councillors listed on the "Save St. Nick" webpage strongly supporting this development.

I spent about 45 minutes walking around this area today. I think 44 storey's might have been a little excessive here (think CASA at this location) however I think 35 would be a reasonable fit. That said, in the next 20 or so years I'm sure we're going to see many more of these types of projects popping up along Yonge Street such as 67 St. Nicholas and the brilliant Hariri Pontarini project 606 Yonge which to me, makes perfect sense given the location and being on the subway line. These projects will go a long way to not only revitalizing Yonge Street but noteworthy, existing buildings will get a new lease on life as they are restored and worked into the projects, which I strongly support.
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First, I haven't moved despite the suggestions that I do so. And I don't intend to.

I'll reiterate our message - we are not anti-intensification. All we are asking for is balance, some breathing room and green space to keep this city liveable.

Intensfication doesn't mean a highrise tower every block of vacant land downtown.

I personally think the website and video is great!

Check them out: and

Also we were out postering today again and lots of people came up and expressed support. The message from everyone was the same - they are sick and tired of highrise condo towers taken over the city.
