Mississauga BRT will never be upgraded to LRT in anyone life time, as it a GO Thing. GO will only using a small section in the City core as a trunk line that would support an LRT around 2050, but all the branch line will be hard press to come close for LRT requirement.
If Renforth-SQ One is to see 10,000 and SQ One-Ridgeway is to see 7,000 at peak time, how do you justify an LRT for GO routes that are supposed to be a single seat ride??? MT will never be close to justify an LRT line any time soon.
Mississauga Transitway will never get ridership like Bogota.
Until all the missing Transitway sections including the city core as well the GTA is built, LRT is a dead issue.
If an double deck seats 83? and departs every 60 seconds, 60/60x83= 5,480 per route in one direction. 2 routes seeing a buse every 30 seconds will be 10,960.
Do the math for x routes passing an x spots that will get you down to having a bus pass X spot every 5 seconds like MTO does, to see what the ridership would be.