Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Solar panels and Wind Turbines cannot be used to replace baseload power unless and until Ontario has energy storage that will hold the resulting power for future use. That is do-able, but is not yet available in Ontario (though it may be soon)

That said, the PEC is a 550MW, expanding to 600MW facility.

Which works out to ~150 Wind Turbines.
Windmills cause cancer...

"...and we'll go back to solar, where they need a whole desert to get some energy to come out. You ever see a solar plant? By the way, I'm a big fan of solar. But they take 400, 500 acres of desert soil."

How many solar panels and wind turbines (the designs have improved) would be needed to replace the gas plant? In addition, the air conditioning to most of the buildings could be attached to the Enwave Deep Lake Water Cooling network.
Batteries can fill a similar peaker role as a gas plant. You won't be able to cram enough solar panels in the same footprint to replace the plant on its existing footprint.
