Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

you answered your own question.... its not about the game anymore.,... its about money for both the owners and the players... they want to sell the tickets to who ever will pay the most money for each ticket. If they could sell out every game for twice as much as they do now but knew zero people would actually show up to the game.,. They would still sell the tickets... What would you do if you were a businessman.. if you answer Id take half and have a full house then it explains why you arent a business man or are not a successful business man.

I'm not a greedy person. Money is meaningless to me. In all honesty I would make tickets as cheap as possible. I wouldn't want anything more than I need for a comfortable living.
You do realize that roughly half of the stadiums in the NFL are located in downtown locations right? I'll debunk your entire post by telling you to go look at the area around Soldier Field (psst... that's in Chicago).

Soldiers Field is flanked by motorways, hundreds of acres of parking, railway yards, and on the lakeshore side a huge park and marina. What is your point?
Sad answer...why dont you check out the various NFL Stadium websites and check out the many events that are booked throughout the year.

A quick check of Solidiers Field website doesn't paint a very pretty picture. Only 11 events between now and September 17th. Of those events, 7 are charity events, meaning the amount of revenue being generating is at the very least questionable. Two are soccer games, of which we have BMO Field for. One is a college football game. One is a U2 concert. Doesn't look too promising.
Whereas other stadiums like Qwest Field are a lot more fan friendly.

Take out the Sounders FC games, and it's being used 11 times between now and the end of October. Even with the Sounders FC games, it's only being used 25 times over 6 months. Fan friendly doesn't seem to have much to do with it, either; Only 3 of the 11 are concerts.
A quick check of Solidiers Field website doesn't paint a very pretty picture. Only 11 events between now and September 17th. Of those events, 7 are charity events, meaning the amount of revenue being generating is at the very least questionable. Two are soccer games, of which we have BMO Field for. One is a college football game. One is a U2 concert. Doesn't look too promising.

Why are you taking out the soccer games? Those are games for which Toyota Park (their BMO) is not suitable.....just as Rogers Centre has hosted matches even though we have BMO.
Any of you stadium fantasizers going to put up the millions to buy an NFL franchise?

Just curious.
