Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

Condos are overtly marketed to Chinese people all the time. Developers put out full page poster-sized ads in Chinese newspapers (often without doing the same in mainstream newspapers like the Toronto Star). They put out Chinese-only brochures and other pieces of literature. And of course we've heard that some condo towers marketed to Chinese people leave out the 4th floor.

Up till now I haven't heard anybody complaining that condo developments are shutting out non-Chinese buyers.
Full page newspaper ad from Ming Pao

^^They put an ad in Wallpaper last month and I believe in this months issue as well- that is an internationally read magazine. But it does bring about a good question.

I thought it had to do with the sheer number of asian who are embracing highrise living. That and all the money from Hong Kong I'm sure has something to do with it...
why just asians?

Asians are used to living in condos and in Asia are used to marketing campaigns such as these. It makes sense to market to them, more bang for the buck! All you need is a pretty rendering and you already have buyers. Note the lack of any mention of price, amenities, surroundings, but just a huge thing that says Libeskind
Update on Sales...

Lots of talk about who it is being marketed to but is it selling! Anyone know if there are units left?
I have confirmation that the building is 75% sold out. The developer is releasing some units soon at a 5% increase from last weeks initial vip offering
okay seriously, 75%??? where.are.all.these.people.coming from!!! unbelievable.

I've lived in toronto for most of my life, and I don't recall seeing too many people living in huts with cash stashed under their pillows, just waiting. it's the only explanation.
What's the latest on the sales front?

I heard that they have closed off sales now and will be opening to the public in September? Any other news?
