Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

Condo Boom

I have tried to label some of the Humber Bay condo buildings one can see on this ultra zoom picture taken by SkyJacked from the top of the L Tower. Not sure if I got everything right or if I missed anything.

Click on image to zoom in a bit more.
Ultra Zoom

Another telephoto shot by SkyJacked. You can probably guess what it is.

:0 That Niagara Falls picture is craaaaazy. For a second I thought I was looking at Toronto viewed from the south but the mist is a dead giveaway. Really awesome
22 years ago I lived at 545 Sherbourne on the 21st floor and somewhere I have photos of Niagara falls that look almost the same. People in Toronto never look across the lake, but you don't have to be very high up and you can easily see the Skylon tower if you know where to look.
It is from the Coolpix. It's a real double A muncher but its lots of fun.

I can't see Niagara Fall everyday and you don`t always get the mist. It was a treat for me to get that picture.
I just checked that coolpix skyjacked has is a 14x optical zoom. Pretty great results. I would love to take pics from up there with my nikon p510 and its 42x optical zoom its got crazy zoom for pics like this


While browsing through the UrbanToronto database I found some nice aerial pictures of downtown Toronto showing also the L Tower from new angles.




Don't let the renders of the future Ten York Street Condos distract you.
lol I don't even come to this thread for L tower photos anymore. I come for the awesome skyline photos from skyjacked and udo. Keep it up guys, once the tower's done let us know what new thread you'll migrate to, hopefully it's aura or ice!
It is from the Coolpix. It's a real double A muncher but its lots of fun.

I can't see Niagara Fall everyday and you don`t always get the mist. It was a treat for me to get that picture.

I can see the Falls from my place too on a clear day too. Sometimes there's a bit of mist, sometimes none and other times there's a huge amount of mist rising above. I posted photos a few years ago, I can't remember which thread but it was under the City Photos and Videos section.
