Toronto Kipling Station Transit Hub | ?m | 2s | Metrolinx | SAI

even if the subway was extended west to Honeydale or is not clear to me that the main bus terminal should be anywhere but Kipling.....Kipling does have the advantage of connecting to GO trains as well as subway.
The transit hub lands for Cloverdale including provision for a New GO Station
even if the subway was extended west to Honeydale or is not clear to me that the main bus terminal should be anywhere but Kipling.....Kipling does have the advantage of connecting to GO trains as well as subway.

so u move the go train station???? honeydale has the 427 right there and they could have dedicated bus on/off ramps straight to the bus loop instead of having 608568 slow buses per hour on dundas
The transit hub lands for Cloverdale including provision for a New GO Station

so u move the go train station???? honeydale has the 427 right there and they could have dedicated bus on/off ramps straight to the bus loop instead of having 608568 slow buses per hour on dundas

OK...i thought the discussion was just about moving the buses.....all >7 million of them per 12 hour day it seems.
Etobicoke, as a part of the City of Toronto, has difficulty making their issues known partly because we have backbench representatives it seems at all levels, who don't like to do much to stir the pot. We always seem to be talking about Scarborough or downtown, but never Etobicoke. It doesn't take an Urban Planner to realize that pouring all this money into the Kipling station isn't a good idea, when the subway should realistically be extended west.
Etobicoke, as a part of the City of Toronto, has difficulty making their issues known partly because we have backbench representatives it seems at all levels, who don't like to do much to stir the pot. We always seem to be talking about Scarborough or downtown, but never Etobicoke. It doesn't take an Urban Planner to realize that pouring all this money into the Kipling station isn't a good idea, when the subway should realistically be extended west.

Thank heavens they are backbenchers with little clout, because all they ever advocate for is larger roads and more and bigger condos.

- Paul
Etobicoke, as a part of the City of Toronto, has difficulty making their issues known partly because we have backbench representatives it seems at all levels, who don't like to do much to stir the pot. We always seem to be talking about Scarborough or downtown, but never Etobicoke. It doesn't take an Urban Planner to realize that pouring all this money into the Kipling station isn't a good idea, when the subway should realistically be extended west.

It's not that much money (approx 20M) - extending Line 2 could easily up that amount 10x (I'd say way more than that). There is also no EA for any extension - and Islington bus terminal is literally falling apart.

This is such a waste of money. Extend the Bloor danforth, build a new terminal at Cloverdale and refurbish Islington.

You can't refurbish Islington terminal - it is getting to be structurally unsound. They are spending a million or two just to keep the sucker running in the short term to tide things over.

By having a Transit Hub for everyone including a parking structure at Cloverdale, how many cars will be remove from Dundas that currently use Islington and Kipling??

It will save millions yearly for all transit systems.

It will help to redevelop the area faster.
By having a Transit Hub for everyone including a parking structure at Cloverdale, how many cars will be remove from Dundas that currently use Islington and Kipling??
It will save millions yearly for all transit systems.
It will help to redevelop the area faster.

Sure, except we are starting from carte blanche in this case - there are no extant EAs for BD extension anywhere, by the time you're through with that process, it's 5 years down the road. On top of that, you'd need project engineering, funding commitment, actual construction time. This particular terminal is already a decade past due.

This is such a waste of money. Extend the Bloor danforth, build a new terminal at Cloverdale and refurbish Islington.
Refurbish Islington will be total rebuilt with development on top of it and be fully accessible. TTC can't use the first 2 bays since the slab is unsound and the rest is on its way out as well.

If TTC follows the past thinking as plan, the new entrance and bus bays for 3 routes will exist in the north east corner of the parking lot. Its possible, 1 MT will run to Islington after the move which would be 26 or 1, but both should use this new terminal. 26 picks up and drop riders along the full 26 route in Toronto as well riders who work at Islington area. Route 1 would take riders to Islington work area as well.

Check Bloor St MT stop to see how many riders get on the various MT buses after they leave the terminal.

Makes more sense than the white elephant plan for Scarborough.

If the plan was approved when first proposed, we would be riding the extension today or about to.
You can't refurbish Islington terminal - it is getting to be structurally unsound. They are spending a million or two just to keep the sucker running in the short term to tide things over.

Ouch. I saw the notice, but didn't know it was this bad.

Refurbish Islington will be total rebuilt with development on top of it and be fully accessible. TTC can't use the first 2 bays since the slab is unsound and the rest is on its way out as well.

If TTC follows the past thinking as plan, the new entrance and bus bays for 3 routes will exist in the north east corner of the parking lot. Its possible, 1 MT will run to Islington after the move which would be 26 or 1, but both should use this new terminal. 26 picks up and drop riders along the full 26 route in Toronto as well riders who work at Islington area. Route 1 would take riders to Islington work area as well.

Check Bloor St MT stop to see how many riders get on the various MT buses after they leave the terminal.

Makes more sense than the white elephant plan for Scarborough.

If the plan was approved when first proposed, we would be riding the extension today or about to.
Sure, except we are starting from carte blanche in this case - there are no extant EAs for BD extension anywhere, by the time you're through with that process, it's 5 years down the road. On top of that, you'd need project engineering, funding commitment, actual construction time. This particular terminal is already a decade past due.

They should extend the subway to cloverdale. It would be cheap and you can park all the buses. Kipling doesn't have enough space.
Ouch. I saw the notice, but didn't know it was this bad.

They should extend the subway to cloverdale. It would be cheap and you can park all the buses. Kipling doesn't have enough space.

It has been that bad for ages - why did you think they closed the first three bus bays from use in the first place? Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, especially when the good is cheaper, already in the bag and be up and running before you even finish the EA process for an extension.

Plus once you open up that extension pandora's box, there will be calls for extension to Sherway - and that will take forever to sort out.

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It has been that bad for ages - why did you think they closed the first three bus bays from use in the first place? Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, especially when the good is cheaper, already in the bag and be up and running before you even finish the EA process for an extension.

Plus once you open up that extension pandora's box, there will be calls for extension to Sherway - and that will take forever to sort out.

I would think Square one would be much sensible then Sherway, but fair enough.
Plus once you open up that extension pandora's box, there will be calls for extension to Sherway - and that will take forever to sort out.

The time to sort it out would have been this year, before Etobicoke Councillors cast any more votes on the Scarborough Subway. Could have done a mutually beneficial deal. As it is, Etobicoke will back the one-stop and get nothing in return.

(I actually sort of admire the Quebecois politicians who got caught taking money in return for unconscionable decisions. At least they have good business sense and demanded money. Toronto politicians make equally bad decisions but give it up for free.)

- Paul
