Toronto iLoft | ?m | 30s | Camrost-Felcorp | Onespace

holy moly Ramako ~ that view from Palace Place is gorgeous !

So the top floor of Palace Place is actually a terrace for residents use? NICE !! :D ... much better than a wasted roof area especially since Palace Place + Palace Pier are the 2 tallest towers in Humber Bay ... I'm completely loving that view :eek:

Ramako's image exemplifies the amount density that has been building in Humber Bay Shores to date, including (from far to close):
  • Explorer @ Waterview (Monarch) - one of my favorite buildings :)
  • Voyager 1+2 @ Waterview (Monarch)
  • Newport Beach (Canderel Stoneridge)
  • The Waterford + Waterford Towers (Canderel Stoneridge)
  • Grenadier Landing (Davies Smith)
  • Hearthstone By The Bay (Davies Smith)
  • Player's Club (Intracorp) - a total joke IMO
  • Nevis (Shiu Pong)
Ramako ... you'll have the front row view of further Humber Bay Shore developments as they rise in the future (Nautilus, Waterscapes, Waterways, Chestnut Hill, Graywood etc) ... please keep these updates coming :D

From the roof of my building
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I wish I could Solaris, but I'm going back to Halifax in a week for my last year of school. My next update from Palace Pier won't come around until Christmas time.
This area is really a jem for the GTA.Why would anyone live in the concrete jungle of the core just because they want to save a few minutes in driving time is beyond me.Dont say they can save money on the car, everyone I know that owns a condo downtown owns a car.This photo is terrific,too bad I couldnt afford the unit right on the boardwalk with a clear view of Lake Ontario.Maybe in a few year.:)
/\ I can see your point. Sub-par 'architecture,' side-of-the-highway location, few accessible amenities, low walk score - this truly is a "jem."
That reply was to MIKE IN TO or whatever his name is - I said this from the start but he doubted me just prove a point...thanks bud! Beers on me and none for MIKE IN TO. Oh....SORRY BUD!

I rest my case! Cheers!:D

I mentioned earlier in the thread (maybe March) that some preliminary work was being conducted regarding an additional condo tower for the site. Camrost still has options available as ultimately no decision has been made on what the subsequent land use will be. Condo market has picked up in a big way over the past few months (although this trend isn't likely to continue) - on the other hand ground oriented units aren't selling particularily well. If these conditions persist the condo route is much more likely than a smaller stick frame project.
/\ I can see your point. Sub-par 'architecture,' side-of-the-highway location, few accessible amenities, low walk score - this truly is a "jem."

so sub par compared to your condo?..Few accessible amentities?...there is 5 large malls 5 minutes drive,15 minutes walk.You rather have a condo smack in the middle of rush hour instead?...last time I seen all the major projects south of Dundas downtown is besides a highway,Genius.......
First of all...

So sub par compared to your condo?..Few accessible amenities?...there are 5 large malls within 5 minutes drive or 15 minutes walk. Would you rather have a condo smack in the middle of rush hour instead?...last time I saw all the major projects south of Dundas downtown are beside a highway,Genius.......

I don't live in a condo, but rather a nice, little post-war two-story near Royal York and Bloor. It is within walking distance of the subway, stores in which to get fresh fruit and vegetables, an LCBO, a Starbucks and a Tims (whichever you prefer), a nice, locally-owned bookstore (The Bookmark - small architecture section, but very well stocked in other areas), several bakeries, all major banks, a video store (I prefer to torrent, but the option is there), a music store (instruments - I drum) and a nice variety of bars, pubs, pool halls, and restaurants for all tastes and budgets. And hey look, it's south of Dundas...

But you enjoy driving to malls to shop in trite, artificial settings, eating fake, pre-prepared Montana's dinners and getting the most out of the manufactured 'lifestyle' created for you by the omniscient Monarch Corporation. One can only hope that new developments in the area continue the 'world-class' level of architectural design which has been demonstrated thus far because I think we can all agree that spandrel panels + crenelation = icon.

I don't live in a condo, but rather a nice, little post-war two-story near Royal York and Bloor. It is within walking distance of the subway

That's the area I want to live in and being walking to a subway is something I greatly desire. Unfortunately both are very expensive and not realistic for most people.. Like many other people I try to do the best that I can within my means..
/\ Not necessarily true. There are several small buildings around here which date to about the same era as my abode with units which can be rented for quite modest sums. Though I realize my area may not be the most applicable example, there are many like it around this fine city in which homes, apartments and condos can be purchased or rented for many, if not all, budgets. Also, my comments regarding Mystic Pointe/Palace Pier were intended more to demonstrate those area's faults, rather than 'showing off' my area's benefits.
I've never seen Humber Bay shores from above like that. Great picture.
But WOW. What a disaster. Not only is the catalogue architecture bland and repetitive but there is absolutely NO relation between any of those buildings. They all cut each other off (and in some cases themselves) in the hopes of grabbing a slice of the view.

But most importantly, why is there a street in front of all those condos and not behind? Traffic could been funneled south of the buildings freeing up uninterrupted space between your home and the lake (not to mention reduce noise).

The city had 'carte blache' here to plan something really special and they completely blew it. Instead, they relied on a suburban model of planning. Shame really.
Projectend sorry not everyone can afford owning a house,we must rely on what we can afford,and not everyone enjoy what you like doing so "closeness" of your favorite stores is not a great way to judge a project is it?.
Why do you assume I own the house?

And proximity to things like stores and restaurants is in fact, one of many ways in which one may critique a project or, in this case, community. As Logan and others accurately point out, this area is a lost opportunity. Instead of working with developers and replanning the it so that further connections could be made for pedestrians, cyclists and, where appropriate, cars, we chose to leave the superblocks whole, plunking down large yet stunningly mediocre (not all) tower-on-podium buildings which bear no relationship to each other, to the pedestrian, or to the wider landscape as a whole. The park along the waterfront is nice, but why would I be there if I wasn't promenading or riding my bike? Basketball courts, tennis courts, handball courts, playgrounds, skateparks and workout stations are but a few of the many cheap ways a city can encourage pedestrian growth. These people in turn shop at the retail, eat in the restaurants and stimulate even more growth therefore creating what could, with a few major 'tweaks,' be a vibrant and self-sustaining little community.

But yo, guy, you said there iz like 5 malls in like 5 minz drive rite?
