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The second and third renderings in that sequence are at an oblique angle to the east side, and you can in fact make out in them that there is no gap proposed to separate the north and south arms of the buildings.


Conclusion, from that report:

"City Planning staff is not in support of the proposal in its current form as the proposed tall building represents over-development of the site. The subject site is located within an area designated Regeneration Area ‘A’ and identified within the Corktown Area of Special Identity in the King-Parliament Secondary Plan. The policy direction for the subject lands direct redevelopment to appropriately transition from the warehouse typology of the Jarvis-Parliament Regeneration Area to the stable low to mid-rise typology of Corktown. New development within this area should be sensitive to this transition to ensure it is compatible and complementary to the prevailing character of the two overlapping areas. City Planning staff is of the opinion the proposal needs to be revised in its overall height, massing and provide an on-site park in order to fit within the area’s existing and planned context."
Odd feedback. The Corktown area will soon be surrounded by buildings around this height. The new Globe & Mail building is at full height of 83M and Axiom will be 73M. Directly across from home is East United 78M and 124 Parliament 68M. There are several buildings and a number of proposals for taller buildings in the distillery district that are much taller. While they may want to soften the massing in some way, the height doesn't seem terribly out of context.
Attractive building. More attractive than the previous proposal, but it is still a really big building for the location. Accepting its height and overall size, will only encourage further over-building in the area. I hope there is room for compromise but marketing of this project has started and maybe there isn't a willingness from the developing companies.
I too thought this was a big building for this location. Not tall but massive in scale. I've always wished for something here and boy we've got it!
OMB pre-hearing scheduled for next week:



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Waiting to start.



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The proposed development is an improvement over what exists there currently but geez... only three retail frontages on that massive block?
