Toronto Gläs Condos | ?m | 16s | Lamb Dev Corp | a—A

Move-in date got pushed back to February with less than a month's notice (in fact no official notice yet except for the fact that I actually personally called due to being curious about the labour dispute)

And thus enter my lawyers.
Move-in date got pushed back to February with less than a month's notice (in fact no official notice yet except for the fact that I actually personally called due to being curious about the labour dispute)

And thus enter my lawyers.

Good luck to you on that but i think the developers may have an 'out' on this one because of the labour dispute.
I replied to your message by the way.

yeah, i had composed a really long reply and thought i sent it, but it doesn't appear to be in my outbox... oh well! I'll re-write it one of these days when school isn't weighing me down

if anyone has any kind of pics, i'd love to see 'em!
Isn't ground level usually finished near-last in the process--and moreover, exposed through hoarding removal?
Ohhhh I'm sorry, I thought that ground level gets built last. *sarcasm* :rolleyes:

I'm not saying the building is AT ground level. I am just asking to see how it shaped up at ground level. Seeing photos of the top of the building doesn't show it in context. I would like to see the townhouses at its base.
This was from a week ago:

