Toronto George Brown College Waterfront Campus | ?m | 8s | George Brown | KPMB

May 20, 2011.

I wanted to say something to the skateboarders, but when it's just you by yourself and 10 of them, I didn't want to take any chances.
From Waterfront Toronto CEO's report to their May 2011 meetinG:

GBC has been granted Site Plan Approval and has advised that they remain on schedule to open to students in September 2012. GBC and WT, in co-operation with the TTC, have recently engaged a transportation consultant to determine the most efficient configuration for the access into and out of the Dockside site, to ensure smooth transit operations for the students while not negatively impacting on Corus’s operations.
Construction is on schedule. GBC has notified WT that the construction of public realm adjacent to their building (Dockside Local Streets Phase 2) is to start construction by May 2012 and be completed by August 2012.
I didn't doubt that the second phase was going to be built, but I'm glad that it's confirmed and has a timetable now. The second phase will do a lot to bring Dockside out to meet Queen's Quay and make it feel less isolated.
That doesn't talk about the second phase, unless they're planning to put it up in about 3 months (May to August 2012).

In fact, does anyone know what is going on with phase 2?
That doesn't talk about the second phase, unless they're planning to put it up in about 3 months (May to August 2012).

In fact, does anyone know what is going on with phase 2?

The WT CEO Report talks about Phase 2 of the STREETS and public realm. The GBC website says that they are going to start fund-raising for thir Phase 2 Building "soon".

"Phase one of the project, the main Health Sciences building, will cost approximately $175 million to build. The Province of Ontario has invested $61.5 million and the Government of Canada, through its Knowledge Infrastructure Program, has contributed $30 million. Waterfront Toronto is also a partner in the development.

George Brown College is also actively seeking individual and corporate partners to assist with completion of the project as part of a new campaign which will be launching soon."
It's be great seeing some public amenties in the building planned for the north end of Corus. A theatre-plex, some clubs that can handle crowds and music, and some bars and retaurants would be nice. Although the lot at the north end of George Brown is going to be an extension of the school, hopefully, it'll have helpers for great street life as well - the area needs it.

Something's gotta replace the Guvernment. Heck, it'd be great if we had more newer and improved versions down there, of various sizes.
when i went yesterday to check this out i noticed the tag is still on that bench... when or will this vandilism be wiped away? im guessing waterfront toronto would be responsible to clean it up?
Has anyone wrote the guy who writes the Fixer column for the Star to ask about the tag on the bench? It's been over a month now, Ford is issuing summonses to businesses to force them to remove graffiti and this ugly dump on new city infrastructure has been allowed to remain. I thought conservatives were proponents of broken window theory. This is one area where vandalism should be quickly repaired or we'll soon find scratches all over the Sherbourne Commons building. I've also noticed that westward down the waterfront there are tags on the HTO signage.
Has anyone wrote the guy who writes the Fixer column for the Star to ask about the tag on the bench? It's been over a month now, Ford is issuing summonses to businesses to force them to remove graffiti and this ugly dump on new city infrastructure has been allowed to remain. I thought conservatives were proponents of broken window theory. This is one area where vandalism should be quickly repaired or we'll soon find scratches all over the Sherbourne Commons building. I've also noticed that westward down the waterfront there are tags on the HTO signage.

Did it occur to you that Ford's office doesn't know about these tags yet? And not all tags have been cleaned up. I've seen several that have been on buildings for months still up. It takes time.
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