Toronto George Brown College Waterfront Campus | ?m | 8s | George Brown | KPMB

Oh joy... they went for the same glass as Corus. Because, you know, when something is good, it should just be repeated over, and over, and over again...

Sigh. At least this one will have some other (hopefully interesting) cladding on it as well. It's too early to judge I suppose and the glass does look sharp. I just hope they don't go overboard and make use of other nice materials.
This will use several different kinds of materials. Looks like a few different kinds of glass (clear, fritted near the water, and coloured?) as well as possibly some siding (aluminium or precast?) on some upper floors. Take a look at the renders on the dataBase page. Aside from their height, I don't think they'll end up looking that similar.
Well, judging from the pics, I actually rather like the look of the GBC glass. It looks quite diaphanous and light. Also, the fact that the building is not going to be uniformly clad in it does a lot to aerate expectations.
The frit pattern was actually derived from the reflections and scattering of the sunlight on the water of lake Ontario..numerous tests were done to determine the appropriate patterning, but I think this one works.

The building will turn out well- much better than corus that's for sure - especially considering the various cladding materials, glazing types and conglomeration of massings. It will also have accents of color inside that will radiate through the glass and make things pop..(ie: furniture, columns, seating etc.)
