Toronto George Brown College Waterfront Campus | ?m | 8s | George Brown | KPMB

from sat


Skateboarders have really damaged a few spots on the concrete around the water feature. The designers really should have anticipated this and added some sort of bumps or rivets on the smooth edges so they wouldn't practice their moves on it.
What a pathetic world we live in when designers should have anticipated these sort of things.
Skateboarders have really damaged a few spots on the concrete around the water feature. The designers really should have anticipated this and added some sort of bumps or rivets on the smooth edges so they wouldn't practice their moves on it.

They did actually add some metal pieces around the 'pools' not long after it opened but could probably add a few more.
The quality here along with sugar beach is excellent! Best Toronto has seen in a long time. I wish we could have done something like this with NPS.
I wish we could have done something like this with NPS.

Yes i dont get it, so why didnt we..this is super nice, Mississauga's civic square and common park re-development is looking great, and here we have the grand NPS make-over look like the same old %^&-hole.:confused:
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Yes i dont get it, so why didnt we..this is super nice, Mississauga's civic square and common park re-development is looking great, and here we have the grand NPS make-over look like the same old shit-hole.:confused:

I actually posted what I think about the two projects above as well :) The common park is alright I saw it in person just rectently. I'd say cityplace park is more interesting - but it's possible they'll better maintaine the common park and that'll work out in its favour.

I also saw civic square, that's great though. I think the problem with NPS is simple ... first it's too early to say what it'll be like, it may turn out very well, if it ever finishes. One thing though, I think the fact they're not replacting the flooring at all throughout the majority of the square will hurt a lot. From what I've seen the skaing pavilon has a lot of potential though and may end up being really nice.
Those lamp posts already have a wire dangling between them? Hopefully it's temporary.

Yes only those two out of the many of other ones, probably temporarty. The lights are great btw !
Is George Brown relocating some or most of its Campus from King East to the waterfront or are these buildings intended to accomodate expansion?
Is George Brown relocating some or most of its Campus from King East to the waterfront or are these buildings intended to accomodate expansion?

Most of the health sciences programs are in the St James Campus (King Sreeet East) and are moving to the new campus and getting more space to accommodate higher enrollment. The space freed up will be used to allow for expansion of the departments/Schools that remain at King East.
I can't believe this has already happened! Someone tagged one of the benches in front of the George Brown site! :mad:

Taken yesterday afternoon.

What a pathetic world we live in when designers should have anticipated these sort of things.

Why would the world be pathetic? Maybe you should lay the blame on the idiot skateboarders instead of the designers.
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Why would the world be pathetic? Maybe you should lay the blame on the idiot skateboarders instead of the designers.

Don't think you got what he was saying :)

You're both on the same page.

Anyway, anything can be tagged and clearly just about everything is. It's rather unforunate. I have a feeling if the area is more built up it wouldn't happen as much but I could have it backwards. i.e. when all the condos and offices come ... or should I say IF.
