Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Black and white version.
Somethin is going down, though it's going to have to be speculation. Here's what I've seen:

Tonight, coming down Spadina, I noticed that there were two short bars of illumination at the top of the West facade of FCP. One was white light, the other was purple. I decided to take a closer look. I went right up to the podium, as close as I could get, and it seems the white light is three flourecent tubes, seemingly part of the crane/platform system, however beside it was the purple strip, which are almost certainly an LED lighting fixture.

I also noticed they had powerful flood-lights illuminating ONLY the southwest corner notch, which actually was quite effective in illuminating the notch all the way up.

Taking note that architectural lighting is to 2010 what green glass was for 2000, I suspect we may be seeing some testing for a covert LED lighting system of some kind for FCP..

Thoughts? Sorry I can't post any pics, I dun really have that ability as it stands, without a camera of any convenient or capable variety..
Somethin is going down, though it's going to have to be speculation. Here's what I've seen:

Tonight, coming down Spadina, I noticed that there were two short bars of illumination at the top of the West facade of FCP. One was white light, the other was purple. I decided to take a closer look. I went right up to the podium, as close as I could get, and it seems the white light is three flourecent tubes, seemingly part of the crane/platform system, however beside it was the purple strip, which are almost certainly an LED lighting fixture.

I also noticed they had powerful flood-lights illuminating ONLY the southwest corner notch, which actually was quite effective in illuminating the notch all the way up.

Taking note that architectural lighting is to 2010 what green glass was for 2000, I suspect we may be seeing some testing for a covert LED lighting system of some kind for FCP..

Thoughts? Sorry I can't post any pics, I dun really have that ability as it stands, without a camera of any convenient or capable variety..

hmmm, I hope you are right! Its definitely something I was hoping for.
Sounds intriguing. Seems no one is ever downtown at night with cameras during the week at this time of year to capture stuff like this. Hopefully we'll find out what it's all about.
If there was going to be an LED feature, I would think it would be mentioned on the website devoted to this renovation.
^^^ I'm there every night, unfortunately :)

There are big floodlamps on the podium facing up the side of the tower, but I thought they were for the construction crews.

Here's a photo from inside the tower from my iPhone:

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...I also noticed they had powerful flood-lights illuminating ONLY the southwest corner notch, which actually was quite effective in illuminating the notch all the way up.

Taking note that architectural lighting is to 2010 what green glass was for 2000, I suspect we may be seeing some testing for a covert LED lighting system of some kind for FCP...

Although lighting up the notches from the base with floodlights would have been a nifty look for the past 30 years, while the notches were white marble... (albeit horribly energy inefficient!)

However, now that the notches will soon be dark-bronze glass, I think relying on the reflective properties of the surface will not work. There would have to be LEDs all the way up the notches to produce any sort of effect. And since there would be no "Flooding" of light from each LED on the dark surface, you would end up with a polka-dotted line all the way up the tower.

Perhaps I just have little faith in the lighting engineers of our time.
Every few days I stop by a meeting room on the east side of the Exchange Tower to check out what is going on with FCP. And what do I see today but what looks like test panels for the new cladding down at the bottom.

Sorry for the quality, these were taken with my blackberry.


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If you're referring to the four white squares on the bottom right of the photo... those look like the marble panels they removed. Each of the new glass panels is much larger; 4 (or 8) of the marble panels.
I am referring to the four greenish/white squares in the bottom right. Each of those squares is the size of 8 of the removed marble ones. And the photos don't have enough detail, but those are not marble they look more like glass. I am pretty certain that they have installed a test section of the new cladding down there.

In addition over the past couple of weeks they had a scaffold covering that section of the building, I couldn't see what they were doing but it appears they were working on installing that new section. It makes sense that they would want to do a test install somewhere on the building first, and that side of the tower is where most of the setup work has been done so far.
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If you're referring to the four white squares on the bottom right of the photo... those look like the marble panels they removed. Each of the new glass panels is much larger; 4 (or 8) of the marble panels.

i think hes referring to the panels already on the building, second row, bottom right
Great news guys (i hope it is true)!!!

And great photos (even though the quality is ok) you can see lots of things...

You can even see Casa condo in one of those shots!!!

I think it would be really nice to see LED lighting run up the edges of the building... It would make a more distinct impression on the skyline!

