Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

FCP lit up at night:

July 20 2010 update

View from 24th floor of Bay Adelaide Centre West
Nice vantage point... what's the OMERS reception?

The toronto dominion centre has been very well maintained considering how old it is... though i'm not a huge fan, these towers look good. (though they're way too many of them if you ask me... too dominant in the cbd)

On the contrary, I really like TDC, just how simple and... black they are really stands out and actually looks good.
Looks like 3 (4?) giant domino pieces, very sharp.
Though I agree that they're enough for the city, no more need to be built like that.
The FCP re-clad has its first official movie debut :D!!!! (sorta....)

**RBC centre is also sorta in it.

Its in Saw 7....

Its at 00:24

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according to their website it's supposed to take approximately 3 weeks per floor... how many floors is that scaffolding currently covering?

Four floors -- according to their video the two lower floors will be having the old cladding removed, and the top two floors will be having the new cladding installed. The standard movement would be two floors down.
according to the video it will take 2 weeks per 2 floors aka one floor per week (not sure why they worded it that way).
