Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Site Visit Dec 3rd

Click for full size. Some shots from Cherry St and elsewhere
amazing! ^^^
look closely and you'll see trump, ritz, etc.
though the fcp re-clad is barely noticeable to the average viewer from there.. same old, same old :(. I bet most people won't even notice it when it's finished haha!
Steveve, love your first shot from the AGO... its a great panoramic view of the densest section of the city. Shangri-la should make quite an impression from there!
Steveve, love your first shot from the AGO... its a great panoramic view of the densest section of the city. Shangri-la should make quite an impression from there!

not to mention Studio, and Theatre Park! they are game changers (for this view)
A hazy day in The Big Smoke (Nov 11th)

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Progress in the past month, taken early this morning

Boy, the implementation of the logo continues to look terrible. How could they go to the expense of recladding and not realize that?
From AndrewJM3D at SSC:

Big brother or BA.


I doubt anything is in the works, there any parking lots east of Scotia? It;s just too big a drop off, from that shear east face of Scotia...seems like in a lot of photos the skyline just dissapears, B.A. and Trump have addressed that issue to the north and west, any chance of something going up, in the first 5 blocks east of Scotia??
