Toronto Eight Cumberland | 170m | 51s | Great Gulf | a—A

Yeah, it's a shame they didn't keep the sleek look of the first proposal. I like the butterfly support but I wish they'd kept the pattern of vertical elements on the face of the building. I also liked the top of the original plan much more.

The original design was just a trick with different coloured glass and would be almost unnoticeable in reality. The new design is OK but there is no sex or sizzle. It's just a shorter apartment building sitting atop a slightly taller apartmebt building. If you take out the cross bars near the middle you have just another apartment building.

I dispute your contention that there was a "trick," as you put it. Unless you have solid inside information (or a crystal ball,) I can't see how you claim that "it would be almost unnoticeable in reality."

Agreed that the new design has no sizzle. I like the bracing but I'm not keen on the slab-like nature of the rest of it, nor the ill-conceived top. But it's early days yet.
This is allright and passable. They really, really need to add the support beam motif to the mechanical unit to make it feel more unified though. That small addition would add a lot to the overall design.

IIRC Great Gulf is involved so I'm guessing Pace condo level of quality here.
I can't believe they change that rich sleek two tone looking build to make way for another blue green box of a building. What a disappointment !
I liked the original to this render definitely. It is a terrible quality image though, so maybe materials here would make a difference. I like the bracing at the bottom, I am mostly sad to see it lose the crown.
It's particularly unfortunate because Yorkville is the one place in Toronto where the economics make sense for developers to invest in dramatic architecture. :(

Both designs are terrible, IMO.
In regards to the economics, you can't go high-end with everything in Yorkville and have all of the buildings sell. Right now I'm scratching my head wondering how they're going to sell all the suites in Bay + Scollard, 100 Davenport, 128 Hazelton, and The One. That's a ton of high end suites coming onto the market over the next few years, and while the three buildings in the north end of Yorkville will make for the perfect homes for downsizers, the massively large The One will be competing for pretty much the same demographic as Mirvish + Gehry a couple of kilometres away will also be going for; not so many downsizers, more younger but rich professionals.

It's the upper end of the market where Toronto has unsold housing stock, while it's the smaller units that all sell. That's the market 8 Cumberland is going after, and they're trying to add some interesting detail at ground level, and 3/5ths of the way up the building again, but otherwise they're trying to keep costs reasonable here because they aren't adding yet more product to the highly competitive high-end.

Staff recommends intention to designate, now on agenda at next TPB mtg:

This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the properties at 826-834 Yonge Street (including 2 Cumberland Street) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act. Located on the west side of Yonge Street, north of Cumberland Street, the sites contain a group of late 19th century commercial buildings that were listed on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties (now known as the Heritage Register) in 1974.

The properties at 826-834 Yonge Street and 2-8 Cumberland Street are the subject of a development application for a high rise residential condominium that proposes to retain the principal (east) elevations of the buildings on Yonge Street, as well as part of the Cumberland Street frontage at the base of the new tower.

The proposed designation of the properties identified in Recommendations Nos. 1-6 below under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act will enable Council to refuse demolition and encourage the preservation of the heritage values and attributes of the buildings.
I guest the people have spoken. They don't seem to like the light blue rectangle box on stilts. Its would be great if the developer can create a new rendering that rival the first one. Lets try to make Yorkville a prestige place to be in Toronto. Most of the new high rise proposals are looking good so far.
I thought people hated the first one. I liked it. And I agree with you that Yorkville should not have any riff raff. I find the rich people not rich enough and the high-end cars not high-end enough. Just look at the podium retail of Yorkville Plaza. This neighbourhood is going to go downhill with poor exterior materials choices like that!
