Toronto Eaton Centre (Ongoing Renewal) | ?m | ?s | Cadillac Fairview | Zeidler

Nordstrom isn't really going to be seen from this angle. It will be partially behind the retail unit on the left, and partially behind the retail unit on the right (Where Uniqlo is going). The space in the middle will be a hallway leading into Nordstrom.

On the right I thought that was an emergency exit or something like that

The rumoured Apple Store space is behind the hoarding that says "Toronto Eaton Centre - Need Assistance?"
ah ok I could see that maybe making some sense
I question whether it is Apple due to how secretive it is. Yes, Apple is secretive, but moving location to the other side of a mall is not information that will affect a leasing opportunity or really anything of great importance. And with everything around the atrium nearing completion, I see little reason as to why there wouldn't be definitive proof of their future presence there. It seems like this is all based on the fact that there isn't a name attached to space on a map.

Maybe it's just a vacant spot? Maybe someone pulled out? Maybe Nordstrom just didn't want that much space, but CF wanted to parcel it off for the future? Don't get too far ahead of yourselves based entirely on a lack of information.
I question whether it is Apple due to how secretive it is. Yes, Apple is secretive, but moving location to the other side of a mall is not information that will affect a leasing opportunity or really anything of great importance. And with everything around the atrium nearing completion, I see little reason as to why there wouldn't be definitive proof of their future presence there. It seems like this is all based on the fact that there isn't a name attached to space on a map.

Maybe it's just a vacant spot? Maybe someone pulled out? Maybe Nordstrom just didn't want that much space, but CF wanted to parcel it off for the future? Don't get too far ahead of yourselves based entirely on a lack of information.

There's been a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to Apple. If you missed it along the duration of this thread, I'll elaborate below.

But first, none of your points make sense in the context of what is known. CF isn't going to leave the most valuable retail space empty for their big relaunch. Any retailer big enough to want that space couldn't pull out without causing big news about their imminent demise nor would CF leave that big of a hole in their leasing contract exposing themselves to the risk of having an empty store right up front and centre on their highly publicized launch. That's PR suicide.

Apple is the highest producing retailer per square foot in the Eaton Centre and they're painfully under sized for the traffic they see around the clock. Customers complain but so do the the staff. Everyone is aware that the store is inadequate. Meanwhile, many of the Eaton Centre's big names have either moved or expanded in this wave. Why would the biggest retailer sit this redevelopment out? Why would they miss this opportunity to rectify their well known problems?

Apple Stores around the world have started converting to the new store designs so it is inevitable that the Apple Store Eaton Centre will close for construction. Why would they redevelop into the same small store? Why would they not take this opportunity to build the new store in a better location and then close the old one when they're ready to move?

Finally, as I pointed out before, no other retailer is this secretive. And yes, Apple is this secretive. They often don't announce their store openings until the days before if at all. The hint is given when they put up black unmarked hoardings. Right now, there's no need to as work is going on behind completely sealed off tarps. Why the extreme effort to conceal?

We don't know for sure that it is Apple but nothing else explains what's going on here.
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Thanks for posting!
Funny how the schematic shows a big open area leading to 1 Dundas, whereas the reality is a narrow corridor.
There's been a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to Apple. If you missed it along the duration of this thread, I'll elaborate below.

But first, none of your points make sense in the context of what is known. CF isn't going to leave the most valuable retail space empty for their big relaunch. Any retailer big enough to want that space couldn't pull out without causing big news about their imminent demise nor would CF leave that big of a hole in their leasing contract exposing themselves to the risk of having an empty store right up front and centre on their highly publicized launch. That's PR suicide.

Apple is the highest producing retailer per square foot in the Eaton Centre and they're painfully under sized for the traffic they see around the clock. Customers complain but so do the the staff. Everyone is aware that the store is inadequate. Meanwhile, many of the Eaton Centre's big names have either moved or expanded in this wave. Why would the biggest retailer sit this redevelopment out? Why would they miss this opportunity to rectify their well known problems?

Apple Stores around the world have started converting to the new store designs so it is inevitable that the Apple Store Eaton Centre will close for construction. Why would they redevelop into the same small store? Why would they not take this opportunity to build the new store in a better location and then close the old one when they're ready to move?

Finally, as I pointed out before, no other retailer is this secretive. And yes, Apple is this secretive. They often don't announce their store openings until the days before if at all. The hint is given when they put up black unmarked hoardings. Right now, there's no need to as work is going on behind completely sealed off tarps. Why the extreme effort to conceal?

We don't know for sure that it is Apple but nothing else explains what's going on here.

Why is Apple so secretive about their retail stores?
There's been a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to Apple. If you missed it along the duration of this thread, I'll elaborate below.

But first, none of your points make sense in the context of what is known. CF isn't going to leave the most valuable retail space empty for their big relaunch. Any retailer big enough to want that space couldn't pull out without causing big news about their imminent demise nor would CF leave that big of a hole in their leasing contract exposing themselves to the risk of having an empty store right up front and centre on their highly publicized launch. That's PR suicide.

Apple is the highest producing retailer per square foot in the Eaton Centre and they're painfully under sized for the traffic they see around the clock. Customers complain but so do the the staff. Everyone is aware that the store is inadequate. Meanwhile, many of the Eaton Centre's big names have either moved or expanded in this wave. Why would the biggest retailer sit this redevelopment out? Why would they miss this opportunity to rectify their well known problems?

Apple Stores around the world have started converting to the new store designs so it is inevitable that the Apple Store Eaton Centre will close for construction. Why would they redevelop into the same small store? Why would they not take this opportunity to build the new store in a better location and then close the old one when they're ready to move?

Finally, as I pointed out before, no other retailer is this secretive. And yes, Apple is this secretive. They often don't announce their store openings until the days before if at all. The hint is given when they put up black unmarked hoardings. Right now, there's no need to as work is going on behind completely sealed off tarps. Why the extreme effort to conceal?

We don't know for sure that it is Apple but nothing else explains what's going on here.

My wife works for Hidi Group (the engineering company working on the Eaton Centre Nordstrom). No one there has heard anything about Apple being next door — including company principals. I spent 10 years as graphic designer for the national head office of Cushman Wakefield (formerly Royal LePage, arm of Brookfield) and no-one I've asked has heard about Apple moving in there.

A bunch of missing information doesn't evidence make. The Disney Store is also a big draw and woefully small, too. And Disney is also a secretive company. Disney likes big flashy stores like they have in Times Square. All of the missing evidence also points to it being a revamped Disney Store.

Saying Apple is *that* secretive is great and all, but it's been used far too many times by tech pundits to fill in the gaps and "prove" Apple is doing X. Let me reiterate, secrecy is not proof of anything. Word gets out all the time about Apple retail locations opening up because they aren't *that* secretive about the retail of the company, especially once lease contracts are already in place. I see little reason why moving to the other side of the mall would elicit *more* secrecy than say, opening up their first store in India.

Sorry MetroMan, "Apple of the gaps" doesn't fly with me. It's sheer speculation and wishful thinking, not "detective work" like you're making it out to be.

As for "PR Suicide", cut the hyperbole. Opening up with vacancies happens *all the freaking time* (note the above listed decade with Cushman Wakefield). Do you think people are going to freak out and stop going to the Eaton Centre if they suddenly had *shock shock horror!* a vacant storefront? This is one of the biggest retail centres in the country, long established and doing some renovation work to one end of its structure. That's all.
As this is aProjects and Construction thread and not a retail thread - can we move the ermygod Apple Flagship speculation over to the retail forum? I couldn't care less about an Apple store; and find it a shade of "every major North American city has an Apple Flagship but Toronto, we're still world class right?"
The Apple store discussion is pretty intertwined with the discussion of how the overall space at the north end of the mall will be constituted. The retail and construction discussions often overlap with one another, often for reasons such as this. Everyone has made their points, all good points, and hopefully the discussion on this one issue will take a hiatus, so to speak, until such time as Apple makes an announcement, or not.
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Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple

There's been a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to Apple. If you missed it along the duration of this thread, I'll elaborate below.

We don't know for sure that it is Apple but nothing else explains what's going on here.

Maybe it's not leased to anyone yet. Maybe it's leased to another store who doesn't want to signal that it's moving yet, for whatever reason. I mean, not everything in the world revolves around a glorified Radio Shack.


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