Toronto CrystalBlu Condos | ?m | 36s | Bazis | Burka

I walked along Balmuto Street today, looked up and examined the west side up to about the sixth or seventh floor which was about as far as I could see any of the building details. Thedeepend wins this argument hands down, the materials and workmanship is bad, who knows what problems lie above, out of sight. I'll be curious to see if CB residents find this site and start offering first hand reports as the masses continue moving in.
oh man, that was some decent entertainment for a Saturday evening! a bit shorter than the above referenced BSN debate and thankfully so. perhaps his daddy is the real estate agent...

though in response to post #888 by thedeepend, we did have quite a supply of photos of the scale model from the sales office.
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oh man, that was some decent entertainment for a Saturday evening! a bit shorter than the above referenced BSN debate and thankfully so. perhaps his daddy is the real estate agent...

though in response to post #888 by thedeepend, we did have quite a supply of photos of the scale model from the sales office.

Yes, you're right. unfortunately they are as misleading in their own way as the few renders that were produced. the colour blue had been inexplicably replaced by teal, but they were definitively touting a building that had colour rather than the monochromatic gunmetal grey bunker they constructed.

The model also shows a thin darker coloured band of spandrel glass which divided the floors, adding contrast and weight and complimenting the silver grid of aluminum framing. The frame itself employed at least two widths in order to create visual interest. on the north side of the model you can clearly see 4 heavier horizontal lines, with the darker glass between the 3rd and 4th band.

The balconies are in a contrasting colour to the green glass, and the implication is that they are fabricated from the same material as the podium. Finally, the model is still trafficking in the fiction that the tower would be made of "shimmering glass"

As for the quality of construction, its pretty hard to judge how well a building is going to be made from looking at a physical model. for all i know, the model itself was a masterpiece of model building.



The poster who keeps replying whose name I can't recall at the moment demonstrates an inability to reason...

What is there to reason about? The building sucks. Bazis hightails it back to Kazakhstan, profits in hand, and we're forced to stare at this dog for a hundred years. RoCP redux.
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the deepend, you provide a great analysis of how the model promised more than what was delivered. I never was taking issue with your conclusions about what was delivered, merely pointing out that there was more than the single vague render available for reference. I guess the gimmicky 'crystals' on the podium were also an after thought...
Ugh, looking at the model makes me hate this building even more. Why oh why is this allowed to happen? The podium would have been so awesome if they stuck to the model. Would have been something unique for Toronto.
For some reason i find the concept funny of having tall trees (about 3 stories) sorta within the building.
It looks awkward.

For some reason i find the concept funny of having tall trees (about 3 stories) sorta within the building.
It looks awkward.

I guess someone else thought so too, they're balconies now.
Blu's not as bad as Uptown though, which is even more upsetting.

Sorry to pick yours specifically, this is directed to many people...

Whats with all the hate on Uptown? Uptown is a very good attempt at bringing back Art Deco architecture, which is my personal favourite...
It's a very good addition IMO.
Wrong thread. No star awarded.

This is not the Uptown thread, and the star reference is in regard to your relationship vis-à-vis Art Vandelay. What's not to get?

Sorry to pick yours specifically, this is directed to many people...

Whats with all the hate on Uptown? Uptown is a very good attempt at bringing back Art Deco architecture, which is my personal favourite...
It's a very good addition IMO.

Haha, uh, doesn't art deco require art or decoration? Blank pre-cast concrete panelling and a vague approximation of circa 1930s skyscraper profiles does not equal art deco.

Sorry to continue this derail, i42, I had to say it.
