Toronto Corus Quay | ?m | 8s | Waterfront Toronto | Diamond Schmitt


Yeah, too bad Spire isn't Hot Pink!

^You're nuts! I don't see anything remotely plywood like and one hot pink tower in this city is more than enough.
^You're nuts! I don't see anything remotely plywood like and one hot pink tower in this city is more than enough.

Not to re-start the great "Spire window debate" of 2008, I was walking past today and some people in front of me were saying how the strange yellow panels DO look like temporary replacements. They put it down to poor construction rather than a hurricane! (Personally I think they look quite odd too!)
Well, I would of prefered the red as rendered however, there's clearly a pattern with the spandrel and none of it looks like plywood. I'm sure those people would find prodema strange as well.

I realize it was ment in jest but, don't kid around with this stuff. The reflective rose tinted tower at King & Spadina is already one too many.
I like Spire but Corus is just plain fugly and bulky and disrespectful of its location. No redeeming qualities. F- to Diamond and crew on this one.
Also, any redemptive quality this building might have is due to the Design Review Panel (who still didn't go anywhere near far enough imo) and not JD. God, could you even imagine what this would have looked like without their input?
I'll give you bulky and perhaps fugly but how can it possibly not be disrespectful of its location. I mean, the surface parking lot has been put underground with a commercial building on top.
