Toronto Corus Quay | ?m | 8s | Waterfront Toronto | Diamond Schmitt

You're misrepresenting mine by presenting a false dichotomy between "either Diamond or copying what the rest of the world does"

I think it's clear to anyone who has read these posts that isn't the case.

Anytime something other than what Diamond has done is suggested, you give one of your usual shortlisted responses about starchitects, spectacle vs. Diamond's Toronto appropriate work, etc. There's no middle ground; it's Diamond or bust.

when, in fact, the rest of the world is clearly delighted to have Diamond-designed buildings too.

Again, when did I say otherwise?
syn: nobody has actually suggested any alternative ... though what usually happens hereabouts is that some fanboy rushes to some website or other, or flips through his stack of foreign archiporn journals, or downloads some photo he's taken on his Grand Tour, and plucks forth something that some other city has done somewhere else and goes "There! Why can't we have THAT BUILDING HERE!" as if it means something. It's like the equally asinine, whiny post we get time and time again that goes "Why did they have to build it THERE? Why didn't they build it on THIS SITE instead?"

Talking of the money being greener elsewhere ... I do hope Jack's not being paid in roubles for his St. Petersburg opera house.
I think it's clear to anyone who has read these posts that isn't the case.

Anytime something other than what Diamond has done is suggested, you give one of your usual shortlisted responses about starchitects, spectacle vs. Diamond's Toronto appropriate work, etc. There's no middle ground; it's Diamond or bust.

Again, when did I say otherwise?

Urban Shocker just likes to play the devil's advocate. He doesn't call himself Urban Shocker for nothing. :) If you don't like it, stop feeding the fire.
Hey, even conservative, old fuddy duddies, who like to follow the rules, are entitled to their opinions. Fortunately, they are slowly becoming the minority in Toronto.
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I would be fine with Diamond designing the building if the firm was able to design a second style. They have their one style down pat, I'll give them that.
Ignoring this conversation and posting picture...

Here is a way before construction picture and a recent one:



The TD Centre in the first photo looks so out of place, as the only modern towers on the skyline. I wonder what the reaction to them was at the time.
Looks like it's just landscaping (trees) south of Redpath. The boardwalk ends by phase 2 of Pier 27.

Correct. Redpath unloads their sugarships off the south end of their building at times, so there is no way a public path or boardwalk would be extended into this area.
I'm pretty sure the city wants them to stay. The jobs are valuable.

That is what the current OMB case appears to be about - the challenge of putting residential uses in direct contact with a 24-hour Class 3 Heavy Industry. From the information online, it seems that the City decided to open up the East Bayfront to residential development without giving a second's thought to what the impact would be on Redpath's business. Which followers of Toronto Planning should really not be too suprised about.
syn: nobody has actually suggested any alternative ... though what usually happens hereabouts is that some fanboy rushes to some website or other, or flips through his stack of foreign archiporn journals, or downloads some photo he's taken on his Grand Tour, and plucks forth something that some other city has done somewhere else and goes "There! Why can't we have THAT BUILDING HERE!" as if it means something. It's like the equally asinine, whiny post we get time and time again that goes "Why did they have to build it THERE? Why didn't they build it on THIS SITE instead?"

Alternatives have been suggested. They're usually met with a comment about starchitects and/or the necessity for Toronto appropriate work.

p5connex made a very valid comment about the use of colour and he was pretty much dismissed with the usual set of responses.

This isn't a forum of professional architects. People will post pictures of other structures to give others some idea of what they're referring to. It's a lot easier than giving an overbearing written description.

There's no doubt that some of the things people want to see are far fetched and inappropriate, but that's certainly not the case for all of them.
From what I heard the city and redpath are working together to come up with some solutions i.e. some noise protection barriers ... other things.

Either way, it seemed that redpath was very willing to help in any way they can.
Alternatives have been suggested. They're usually met with a comment about starchitects and/or the necessity for Toronto appropriate work.

p5connex made a very valid comment about the use of colour and he was pretty much dismissed with the usual set of responses.

This isn't a forum of professional architects. People will post pictures of other structures to give others some idea of what they're referring to. It's a lot easier than giving an overbearing written description.

There's no doubt that some of the things people want to see are far fetched and inappropriate, but that's certainly not the case for all of them.

Shocker often makes cleverly-worded and compelling arguments but syn sure is coming correct here. Shocker's recent commentary about the alchemical qualities of Clews' towers in the CASA thread is an example of his abilities behind the keyboard. Here however, we really have degraded into a Diamond/'Toronto-style' or bust debate. Any notion that something more could have gone here is shot down with the same tired rhetoric and its too bad really, because this is a special site.

Let's move on.
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From what I heard the city and redpath are working together to come up with some solutions i.e. some noise protection barriers ... other things.

Either way, it seemed that redpath was very willing to help in any way they can.

That's my understanding as well (That's what happened with Pier27 and resulted in the Big Ugly Wall). That being said, I imagine there is only so much they can give. I imagine there would be a conflict with the Ministry of the Environment guidelines (noise, odor, particulate emissions...), the City's noise by-law... and other things that are not strictly planning related.

Plus, it isn't just the City and Redpath involved... the OMB orders and decisions online list a TON of other people who are on the appeal (mostly developers on the north side of Queens Quay). They are not easily pacified.
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Syn: Who has dismissed any of p5's comments? Not I - I haven't responded to them.

Project End: Alchemy is in the air with all great works - you can't define how the magic was produced, you can only appreciate the effect it has. I was using alchemist Clewes as an example of how concrete, and rebar, and glass, and steel can be made to sing.

Corus is coming along nicely. I've been visiting the site more often now that the glass is going on - double-height and transparent on the lower floors and two-toned on the office floors. The grand horizontal proportions, the office levels that look like a great layer cake, and an atrium's that's going to be a swell place to swank through. The Corus office workers who'll toil in obscurity down by the lake are in for a treat.
