Toronto Corus Quay | ?m | 8s | Waterfront Toronto | Diamond Schmitt

I drove by the site today. Aecon is the main constructor and there is no doubt that the building is under construction. It looks like drilling or caissons are being installed with large equipment.

There is no nearby development. It seems the Corus project is the only building development under construction on that part of the water front (or any part of the water front?). It seems that the City and the Waterfront Regeneration Trust are very happy with the building because it acts as a barrier to the Tate & Lile industrial sugar plant. I think you will have to wait until Corus is built before you can buy a condo!
Seems like the Waterfront Toronto board had a special meeting today to deal with some issues with the final renderings and design for this project. It doesn't look promising. Here is an excerpt from a presentation given at the meeting.

(Not sure if I'm going to be allowed to post URLs yet. If so go to the Waterfont toronto main page -> about us -> board of directors and see todays special meeting.)
i dont mind it, its clean lines, bright and open glass, and night it will be well lit up, i think it will be good for the area
Why is a flat roof profile deemed "suburban"? There are plenty of buildings downtown with flat roofs and we don't think we're in suburbia when we see them.
Absolutely disgusting. The architecture of this building is already dismal, now they are cutting back on the materials and interior details. This will be a major eyesore on our waterfront.

Proposed cut back to the building (renderings are found on the PDF posted by achender)

Loss of urban profile: the eighth floor penthouse, which established the distinctive stepping terraces called for in the approved East Bayfront precinct plan, has been eliminated, yielding a large, flat, suburban-style profile on the landside facades.
Predominance of service entries: despite repeated pleas from the Panel to explore a single entry drive into a consolidated service court – as is commonly required of other new buildings in Toronto – the eastern façade contains multiple truck bays.
Compromised atrium: the central glass-enclosed gather space, which served to break the massive profile of the building down two smaller wings and offered the possibility of functioning as a grand public space, has been watered down to a change in the window wall pattern on the south façade, and is occupied at grade with a characterless office area.

Reduction of Interaction with the Public Realm: the latest design shows decreased opportunities for public connection between at grade production studios, the large public open space at Jarvis Slip as well as the Public Promenade, limiting its “City TV-like†interactivity by replacing some of the operable garage door-like panels with fixed plate glass. There is a civic responsibility in defining the façade of a public space and creating such an important gateway. The street relationship, the animation, and openness to the public realm are all design parameters that should be carefully crafted to ensure the success of the building and its relationship to its context.

Substitution of materials: the black granite columns, which were intended to define the primary pedestrian arcade along the west façade of the building, are now proposed to be black-tinted pre-cast concrete – a permanent and highly- visible sign of cost-cutting which will degrade the public colonnade.

Loss of central feature:
the “egg-like†conference room which appeared to float in the center of the atrium has been replaced with a conventional room, eliminating the only distinctive architectural form visible on the south façade from the water’s edge.
Why is a flat roof profile deemed "suburban"? There are plenty of buildings downtown with flat roofs and we don't think we're in suburbia when we see them.

Even you can’t defend the changes made to this design. This is crap that you can find in any suburban wasteland. What a wasted opportunity. Shame on TEDCO/Corus, and shame on Jack Diamond for not doing more for this prominent location.
From motions passed it seems they are withholding Waterfront Toronto funding pending improvements:

Public Agenda Motions: ON MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, it was RESOLVED that
1) Waterfront Toronto accept the panel’s assessment that the November 14th TEDCO submission is sufficiently at variance from its submission on June 13th to merit the panel’s recommendation that approval of the TEDCO design be withheld at this time;
2) TEDCO be requested to prepare a revised submission to the Design Review Panel incorporating the design elements and recommendations of the June 13th meeting of the Design Review Panel and that Waterfront Toronto convene a meeting or meetings of two representatives each from TEDCO and the Design Review Panel to assist in expediting this process;
3) the Design Review Panel review TEDCO’s revised submission at the earliest possible date including convening a special meeting, if required, and report back to the Board;
4) the Board of Directors agree that $9.0 million will be forwarded to TEDCO for First Waterfront Place once the Board is satisfied that appropriate design changes have been incorporated; and
5) $3.5 million for LEED GOLD certification at First Waterfront Place is flowed without delay to TEDCO, on the condition that the City will access the instruments necessary to expedite compliance with this condition.
ugh so ugly... but then again, jack diamond did this right? he should be banned from the city i swear.
If the city is borrowing (or at least fronting) a gazillion dollars for this, why is no-one threatening to show Mr. Coal the door? I suppose having a major tenant first in the (new waterfront) pool is all they care about... shame.
Wow, it's really become just an ordinary run of the mill suburban office park, hasn't it? What a disappointment.
It had improved somewhat earlier this year where the last design went up to a "meh" from me. Now it's back to shittsville. Shame on TEDCO. At least TWRC is doing something about it, even if it may not be enough.

I can not understand how someone could defend such an atrocity.
Excellent, I am glad to see Waterfrontoronto tying up the funding for this project pending resolution of the issues. Shame on TEDCO for turning what is already a ho-hum piece of work into a ho-hum piece of work for Vaughan.

I don't understand. If the city is writing the check, don't they have a sway in regards to design. This smells of incompetence and indifference.
Any hint of "Toronto style" or European sophistication has been stripped away. I am so disappointed.

So it's too late--- this is what we're getting now, not the June renderings?
From Achendar's document it looks like the current (November) rendering is pretty similar to the original June version, so I don't know what the fuss is about. But IMHO it would be good to see the "twist" back in the upper floors.

Why is the newer version grey and the June version gold-ish? Is it just a reflection of the time of day or a different type of glass?
