Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

Forget waking up to them, I'm scared to be in that neighbourhood. I'm having nightmares and am currently in trauma counseling after seeing those photos.
Back in the 1800s when the railroad first appeared, many were fretful and peevish upon first sight of the brash and noisy locomotives, but they soon, y'know, got over it.

And in these environs, consider the effect the smell might have had upon visitors before about 1990...
I don't know if they are art with a capital 'A' but they're definitely a lot of fun. Apparently they are only up for 3 years (according to article above).

They scare me.
Imagine waking up, looking out the window and having that thing greet you.
Who are you guys, Grandpa Simpson?
A couple of other views from Clear Spirits (views which are for sale) from yesterday:

Looking north to east from the 27th floor:

Looking south to west from the 29th floor:

Looking west from the 29th floor:

Larger versions can be found here.

Who are you guys, Grandpa Simpson?

Nope. But allow me to explain the context of my comment in order to better inform you concerning its origin and purpose. Many people (myself included) don't leap out of bed early in the morning, but rise slowly and sleepily. The move away from this state usually takes some time - unless there is an experience that induces a sudden shock and a greater degree of wakefulness.

The fixture in question could possibly induce such a shock.

Caveat: the comment was intended as humour and is in no way to be construed as infringing upon a copyrighted animated character you refer to.

Hope that helps.
I have to call the real estate agent and demand 1 per cent!

It would be really great to see some taller buildings in the northern part of the city after seeing that photo. I guess 1 Bloor should help.
^Interchange, I believe you were taking those pics from the Pure Spirits tower, not Clear Spirits as you mentioned...


Making way for the Clear Spirits tower this morning:


A reminder of the site plan (Clear Spirits is in the centre).

