Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

I have merged all three of these projects into one thread: separating out Clear from Pure Spirit would be next to impossible, and UT photographers in the area tend to shoot Pure Spirit while catching the current demolition work for the new buildings...

so enjoy the new Distillery Xtr3me thread everybody!

Delayed once again

Clear Spirit is being pushed back on it's 1st occupancy date yet again; originally slated for June 2010, then June 2011, now March 2012.

Maybe someone can enlighten us on the issues around this development/developer/builder, in regards to their inability to deliver on time!
Clear Spirit is being pushed back on it's 1st occupancy date yet again; originally slated for June 2010, then June 2011, now March 2012.

Maybe someone can enlighten us on the issues around this development/developer/builder, in regards to their inability to deliver on time!

I think part of the delay is because Waterfront Toronto and the TRCA fell behind with building the berm to protect that area from flooding (The West Don Lands park etc.) and there is some sort of prohibition on building on the "flood plain" until it's finished. (there's info on this in several CEO Reports to Waterfront Toronto, see their site.) I think it is now 99% done so THAT impediment has gone, or soon will go. There is also the 'recession"...
I think part of the delay is because Waterfront Toronto and the TRCA fell behind with building the berm to protect that area from flooding (The West Don Lands park etc.) and there is some sort of prohibition on building on the "flood plain" until it's finished. (there's info on this in several CEO Reports to Waterfront Toronto, see their site.) I think it is now 99% done so THAT impediment has gone, or soon will go.

I guess but that explanation has one big hole in it and that is that Pure Spirit went up before the Flood Plain was finished or am I missing something?

There is also the 'recession"...

Clear Spirit was sold on 07/08, to the point where they could move ahead. All the recession has done is drive down labour and supply costs due to basic economics, supply vs. demand!
unfortunately the numerous delays is a risk that purchasers have accepted when buying into a residential condo project which has not been approved by the City ... while Cityscape may have started selling Clear Spirits in 07/08, Clear Spirits + Gooderham did not receive approvals from City Planning until the settlement proposed in the OMB hearing on October 27, 2008

on top of that there's the TRCA floodplain issues, as well as the heritage preservation issues related to the Distillery District structures ... which all causes addition time/delay
from today's Daily Commercial News....


Clear Spirit, 55 Mill St, The Distillery District, M5A 3C4

$200,000,000 est

Start: October, 2009 Complete: December, 2011

Note: Sales and Marketing are underway. Working drawings are nearing completion. Const Mgr will secure a Gen Cont Fall, 2009. Schedules for Sub trade tender and construction will be finalized based on sales, September/October 2009. Owner is seeking Council approvals for building permits. Further update October, 2009.
Unsolicited phone calls WILL NOT be accepted by the Const Mgr.
Project: concrete foundation, cast-in-place concrete structural frame, fuel fired heating system, proposed construction of 40-storey, 364-unit condo building, a 35-storey, 305-unit condo building, and a three to four-storey office and retail building.
Scope: 69,139 m²; 40 storeys; 2 storeys below grade; 3 structures; 669 units; parking for 1090 cars; 14,921 m²
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Commercial offices; Retail, wholesale services
Building permit applied for on August 14:

Application: New Building Status: Not Started

Location: 390 CHERRY ST

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 09 157795 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Aug 14, 2009

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res New Building

Description: Permit to construct new 40 storey residential building with retail at grade. 4 levels below grade parking. 348 residentail units and 348 parking spaces.
Aug 14

It going to be hard to get shots of the new tower as it been fence off and blocking any good shoots location. This tower should have it's own thread.






This tower should have it's own thread.

Not going to happen: the threads would be just about impossible to separate out, as posters often like to discuss everything down at the Distillery together.

great shots, drum! you've really been busy...:)

I agree, each of the 3 distillery towers should have their own thread....
I echo I-42's directions ... discussions on any towers at Distillery always happens together anyways ... and given the history of this thread it would be next to impossible to separate the posts ~

So the 2nd Economic Viability Clause extension is set to expire at the end of November 2009. I checked with Gooderham and they said they are between 55 and 60% sold. Anyone have any thoughts whether they are going to go through with construction? I think they need around 70% sales to get the financing from the bank. I purchased in this building but I'm really hoping that they don't build as I think the units are way over priced.

Thanks for reading
So the 2nd Economic Viability Clause extension is set to expire at the end of November 2009. I checked with Gooderham and they said they are between 55 and 60% sold. Anyone have any thoughts whether they are going to go through with construction? I think they need around 70% sales to get the financing from the bank. I purchased in this building but I'm really hoping that they don't build as I think the units are way over priced.

Thanks for reading

Hmm... you don't hear very often that a purchaser HOPES that the very own building they bought into (by choice) does not get built as proposed :rolleyes:

That begs the question, if you think the units are 'way' overpriced ... what on earth were you thinking when you bought that condo ?? speculative investor are we now ~ :confused:
