Toronto Charlie Condos | 122.83m | 36s | Great Gulf | Diamond Schmitt

18 December 2012: I wish the planters had been either a bold magenta pink (looks hot against black brick) or lemon yellow (match the yellow podium tiles.) Lobby looks chic--missed the ideal shot due to residents coming out.


It's always interesting when the marketing hype--Charlie--dies and becomes just a numbered street address:



The concrete tree boxes don't look very attractive. I wish we wouldn't see any more in Toronto. It looks unnatural for trees to be growing out of boxes like that, and it's rare to see large trees having grown out of these containers. The sidewalk could fit one additional person in width without the box and with the tree planted directly in the ground.
Thanks for the pictures UD.

The entrances looks nice, although any woman in a skirt might end up looking like Marlyn Monroe in her one infamous pose if they try sitting on the bench located directly over that grate.
I think it's looking pretty darn good....also like the idea of the magenta or lemon yellow flower pots, that would have added a welcome touch of colour for sure....but Charlie looks mighty fine imo...
For a grey building...this one is quite handsome. And def. yellow planters to catch the eye. I walked by here the other day and thought why wouldn't they pick yellow ones. They would have looked fantastic over these black ones...which in this case is way too conservative and "safe". Hopefully they pick yellow and/or purple plants over some boring evergreens. This corner should pop with some bold colour choices in landscaping. Looking forward to seeing the final product.

The planters bug me, though. There's an overhang but you can't walk underneath it to get out of the rain/snow for a minute because of those giant planters.
I wasn't able to snap a pic, but the public art component is being installed on site, at the corner of King and Charlotte. Also, an Aroma Espresso Bar is going in the retail space!
