Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

The slab next door is planned to be demolished for another condo.

The slab next door is not so much a slab, but more an interesting 70s brutalist concrete office structure designed by noted Toronto architect Macy Dubois. With its rare diagonal features I will not be happy to see it go.

^ The site plan for the new condo seemed to indicate that the various angles in the brutalist structure would be carried over into the new condo design - could be rather interesting if well executed.
Casa progress May 2007

May 2007. Finally some progress. One floor deep so far...


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Casa Condominium Progress May 2007

Not sure if everyone could see the photos from the last post, so here they are again.




This site (next to an old church) reminds me of Shangri-La Vancouver. Which also makes me realize there's so many churches in Toronto I've never been in, especially on the east side. As I like to say--I'm more into the architecture of the church than the views of those between the pews!

I suppose you work for the Casa sales team? If so, moving forward tell the developer to use Clewes exclusively--that way we know they won't build anymore crap.
Believe me, I do not work for the Casa sales team or for Cresford. It wasn't until I bought at Casa that I discovered this site and became interested in all of the new construction going up around Toronto.

I'm actually a bit concerned about the delay with BSN across the street and how I've read so many bad things about Cresford. And quite honestly I think their Windemere by the Lake building turned out to be trash. It looks very cheap... and the whole townhome project underneath it is one giant mistake. The south end of High Park deserves something so much better.

I can only hope this building turns out to be everything they promised (and look as swank as all of their renderings.

As for the church next door... yes, it looks charming, but in reality it seems to be a drop in center for the downtown homeless. Quite the contrast next to an Armani inspired building.
Btw, welcome, Casaguy, and thanks for the pics. Always a good way to make an entrance.

And forgive the insinuations about your name. I myself decided to sign up as Casalomaguy after I bought a unit there (consensus was the architect was trying a little hard, but the views were nice), but I had quite a while to wait before the Internet was invented. In the interim - it's always the way - I got distracted, and yet another clever handle was lost to the sands of time...
It's where whatserface who was killed at the Xerox Centre hung out, right?

Yes you're right. I was mortified when I heard about that murder in the Xerox passageway I pass through regularly. Apparently the victim and the suspect both frequented "Sanctuary" next door to Casa.

However, I guess when you buy property downtown you have to be prepared for the fact that it is, in fact, downtown. Although there's a questionable building next door and the building will face the back entrance to the strip club on Yonge street, I think (and pray) that it is still a prime location. You're virtually a 30 second walk from anything (good, bad and iffy) you could ever possibly need or want.

In the next few years, the Yonge and Bloor area will finally mature and become more of a destination. I can't wait until Crystal Blu, The Uptown, BSN, Casa and 1 Bloor East start rising.
CASA Condominium Progress June 7, 2007

About 2 floors below now... It seems like there should be more than just the 5 or so guys working on this.









If Murano only has 2 guys working on their site, I think you should thank you lucky stars 5 are on the Casa site.
Casa Condominium Progress July 21, 2007

The northwest corner. Looks like they're on P2.


As I understand it, CASA will be just lower than the CIBC tower and just higher than the Bay tower.


And definitely not as high as Manulife.



I wonder if "Sanctuary" will always be there?




