Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

The sales office is in the old 18 Yorkville sales office location. Seems to be a popular spot for condo sales!

Walked by today to see the sales office gone and equipment on site doing some cleaning up.
Is anyone suprised how well Casa is selling considering that the Casa site is located right next to a homeless shelter and across the street from the parking lot for the Brass Rail strip club? Could the site move to Yonge Street be due to trying to prevent potential buyers from seeing what's around the actual site location?
The sales office moved because they need the site to start one's hiding Yonge street from any buyers. I'm sure a lot of the buyers know the area quite well, or at the very least have walked by the site.
Or maybe the move was to keep buyers from figuring out who was REALLY behind 9/11...
Oh SNF, really!

This is obviously where Jimmy Hoffa is buried, nothing more, nothing less.

omniscient 42
can anyone please let me know how construction is getting on at casa (any pics perhaps) thanks
No pics, but as of last Sunday, they had hoarding up and excavation equipment on-site - at least two pile-drivers, I think. They should be hitting Hoffa any minute now.
:lol ...a new CASA renderings:



hopefully you can see it now...;)
I didn't say it's funny at all, am I ??? ...;)

ps: could be interesting for somebody, not for you of course, but then again; who can satisfy all of us :eek: gustibus non est kapuskasing...
It looks like you're doing some kind of World Of Coca-Cola thing to it
Is it just me or when u first glance at the casa rendering it seems inside out, kind of like an optical illusion...and no i'm not talking about the hideous "rendering" that istrian posted. Go to another thread and after a while come back to this page, then quickly glance at the original casa rendering...its a little hard to figure out at first...or maybe i'm just tripping out.
