Toronto Canoe Landing Park | ?m | ?s | Concord Adex

I think the potential is there for small incremental changes that could make the park worthwhile. Replacing the concrete walkways with granite or even just pavers would be a good start. Then that intersection between the east/west walkway and the north/south walkway (at the foot of the stairs) is calling out for a sculpture or a fountain or some other sort of focal point. Add a fenced-in off-leash area for the local dog owners somewhere central in the park (it needs to be central; there has to be some reason for people to actually walk through the park or else it'll always feel dead and sketchy) and you've suddenly got a multipurpose park that residents will have several reasons to visit.
Cityplace park

I think the potential is there for small incremental changes that could make the park worthwhile. Replacing the concrete walkways with granite or even just pavers would be a good start. Then that intersection between the east/west walkway and the north/south walkway (at the foot of the stairs) is calling out for a sculpture or a fountain or some other sort of focal point. Add a fenced-in off-leash area for the local dog owners somewhere central in the park (it needs to be central; there has to be some reason for people to actually walk through the park or else it'll always feel dead and sketchy) and you've suddenly got a multipurpose park that residents will have several reasons to visit.

They didn't even complete the concrete, when time began to run out they just paved the walkways. In the area where stairs go to the turf field they had paving mixed with the concrete steps..looked awful, even to them apparently as they finally did concrete there.

Maybe someone should ask Miller at the opening Why builders can show one thing and build something else. After City hall gives the permits.
They added lights yesterday.

We don't need to look far away for an example of a modest urban park that serves, primarily, a large housing development. Crombie Park, mere blocks from this undercooked turkey, is a lovely example of an urban park that works and fulfills many civic functions. Of course, if Concord had that design up their sleeve god knows what the final result would look like.

With the crappy box bridge and now this, Concord is at strike two; I think a letter writing campaign is in order. (Not that it'll do a spot of good.):mad:
We don't need to look far away for an example of a modest urban park that serves, primarily, a large housing development. Crombie Park, mere blocks from this undercooked turkey, is a lovely example of an urban park that works and fulfills many civic functions. Of course, if Concord had that design up their sleeve god knows what the final result would look like.

With the crappy box bridge and now this, Concord is at strike two; I think a letter writing campaign is in order. (Not that it'll do a spot of good.):mad:

Well, let's crap where credit is due. The bridge has been passed to the city so it's their responsibility now. When/if it's built, the city would be the one responsible for it. But CP had cheapened out on the park. That is the truth.
Small Urban Parks

Another great example of a small'ish urban park is the Allan Gardens

Note the many paths/trails to walk along (not just two that criss-cross eachother), the cluster of trees (rather than 5 lined up in a row), and a a water feature, and of course the Tropical Trees greenhouse.

Not visible from satelite, there is a large fenced-off --but not cut-off-- dog park (leash-free).

I had no idea what this park was about until I stepped in one day, intrigued by the greenhouse of course.

Would I ever go on an adventure into Concorde's 'Park' if I lived in City Place? Probably not. It would be my Dog-pooping park, and I would venture to the Allan Gardens, or High Park, or David Balfour Park to do anything that wasn't related to dog poo! This Park, however, is for nothing other than that -- Dog Poo!
I might be wrong, but isn't this just a preview? Perhaps water features will be done for next summer, considering ours is almost over...
I might be wrong, but isn't this just a preview? Perhaps water features will be done for next summer, considering ours is almost over...

Yes, it is just a preview. That's why I'm holding out hope that more features will be added. Otherwise, how could Concord possibly compare this park to Central Park?
Yes, it is just a preview. That's why I'm holding out hope that more features will be added. Otherwise, how could Concord possibly compare this park to Central Park?

Did they actually compare it? Even if this thing was built with all its advertised features, no one in their right mind could compare it to Central Park.
I'm starting to think maybe this park was just intended to be a doggie washroom all along. No need to spend money if it's just for people to take their dongs to poop. I don't see any other reason to go to that park, when much nicer ones will be close by. (H2O)
The straight sidewalks and angled hills make it look like it would make a great park for a memorial. Maybe they are going to name it Trudeau park and they haven't added his marble statue to the canoe yet.
