Toronto Backstage On The Esplanade | 116.73m | 36s | Cityzen | P + S / IBI

sexy sales centre for sure.
i like how the tower joins in with the railway track. it looks kinda neat and adds continuity.
I was luck enough to attend the insider event and from what I heard, most of the west facing units are sold out. I would not be surprised if this building is already 50% sold out.
I don't understand why L-tower and Absolute sites got 'iconic' architecture, and Backstage got P&S suburban crap... Cityzen, how are these decisions made?
from today
I don't understand why L-tower and Absolute sites got 'iconic' architecture, and Backstage got P&S suburban crap... Cityzen, how are these decisions made?

i think they did a decent job considering the size of the site. they didn't have very much room to work with in the first place. it's not completely architecturally dull. and besides, just cause they made L tower and Absolute, doesn't mean they have to do it every time. i dunno...
It's interesting how much they spent on making a design statement with the sales centre, yet so little on the building design itself. Makes you rather cynical of the whole process.... Hope the tower doesn't sell. Mr Ma is needed here.

What, all of a sudden Cityzen/Fernbrook builds Absolute, Yansong Ma is a saviour and his architecture is REQUIRED everywhere?!?!

How do you know what they spent on designing the building?

Stupid comments.
I don't understand why L-tower and Absolute sites got 'iconic' architecture, and Backstage got P&S suburban crap... Cityzen, how are these decisions made?

What is "iconic" architecture in the first place? And why is the building judged off renderings?

What is P&S suburban crap? What makes this "P&S suburban crap"?

If you're going to make bold comments, back 'em up! Provide some context please.
this condo is 60% sold to-date and it has not even been released to the public. I was told this info from the sales team directly.
The Location is good that is why...

Right beside Union Station and the Financial District.
i think they did a decent job considering the size of the site. they didn't have very much room to work with in the first place. it's not completely architecturally dull. and besides, just cause they made L tower and Absolute, doesn't mean they have to do it every time. i dunno...

They don't have to do it every time but wouldn't it be great if they did? It's not like Toronto is over-loaded with iconic buildings. As a matter of fact, when I look at books on international architecture, I almost never see any buildings from Toronto. It wouldn't hurt to have a few more iconic buildings to inspire us. Can you imagine how exciting it would be if Cityzen had an international design competition, for all their new towers? We would all be anticipating the next great tower. It would keep skyscraper geeks buzzing and provide a whole new excitement to this city. God, the anticipation would be bliss.

Hey, will this tower have retail along the first floor?
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They don't have to do it every time but wouldn't it be great if they did? It's not like Toronto is over-loaded with iconic buildings. As a matter of fact, when I look at books on international architecture, I almost never see any buildings from Toronto. It wouldn't hurt to have a few more iconic buildings to inspire us.Hey, will this tower have retail along the first floor?

Maybe if the Toronoto condo sales market stays healthy we might just see that happen a lot more in the next couple years.
Maybe if the Toronoto condo sales market stays healthy we might just see that happen a lot more in the next couple years.

If investors wouldn't keep buying City Place crap, maybe we might have a chance. The problem is glass boxes sell so well, developers don't feel the need to give us something special. Stop buying crappy condos, people! Damn, those investors!
