Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

I am also very proud Torontonian, been here since 1990 and my family did not participate in building Toronto but this doesn't make me less Torontonian. I bet that I know more and care more about Toronto then most of the people born here.
Exactly. Nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestors, and the city's collective history is worthy of respect, but family longevity in one place does not make you a better Torontonian than someone who has chosen to come to this place. It's what you do, not the laurels you rest on.
The fact you are on this forum makes you a proud Torontoian in my opinion. It shows you care about your city.


Heck, I'd say that anyone who's been here more than five minutes but has a genuine interest in seeing Toronto advance over the long term is a 'Torontonian.' That said, by what barometer do we judge municipal patriotism? As Kitty suggests above, it's more in what you do than what you say and by that standard, I'd say benefactors such as David Mirvish are absolutely killing the ideology behind craptacular projects such as this. Who can't raise a good deal of capital (hopefully mostly private equity), then get the 'cheapest' (subjective, no 'objective' evidence here), full-service firm to outline your dreams? With that in mind, who can get one of the world's leading architects to fly out to Toronto with minutes to spare (@ 83 years of age no less)?
Hey guys,

let's keep in mind that this thread is about AURA. Keeping that in mind, Caltrane makes me proud of him by posting pictures of AURA frequently on this thread.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but that is called a Saimese Connection. It is required by the fire code, a code which may dictate it's location relative to the corner of the building. It allows the fire department to pump water into the sprinkler system as a back-up.
IIRC that pipe was put in fairly recently. I remember thinking it seemed odd that they were suddenly digging this fairly large trench, right up next to the building, so late in the game. I suspect there was a late realization (or perhaps inspection result) that needed a quick correction.
Um, in that picture you can actually see the location of the final connections, just to the right of the door, mounted into the wall. I'm sure that's just temporary. Maybe because the connections are inside the construction area they're required to have one out by the sidewalk?
