Senior Member
Some Fancy Glass, for all them Fancy Pants Boys on UT
Hmm I'm skeptical about the glass because it looks very transparent without much reflective properties. Since Aura is so big and will stand out I'm worried that units with curtains open or closed might take away from the nice shape of the building because of uneven colours and amount of things that will be seen through the glass.
Oh, I never thought of that. Well that makes more sense now.If I'm not mistaken, this glass is for the retail portion of the development where transparent glass is probably more desirable to retailers than reflective glass. I suspect the glass for the tower portion will be different.
Most excellent cladding since Shangrila or Four Seasons.
I'm gonn hedge my bets and say all three are even, but I want to leave room, just incase this one is the best.
All will be decided when we see how they move forward with the tower cladding.