Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

RE: And which language are you concerned about "****" or "Casa Loma, Disney".

:rollin not.
This area would do well with a mixed-use building, with a podium similar to that of Maple Leaf Square. Put some shops and offices in the base and really add to the area.
Great effort Wylie, thanks!

The tower is a a beaut, but I'm singing with the chorus here: the podium is wrong.
Re 1 BE site

> This might make an interesting site for Manulife. Big new tower to consolidate in. 1000' !
Re: Re 1 BE site

We need a supertall to actually get built!!!! The tallest building in the city was completed 30 years ago for crying out loud! Let's hope this is the one. I like it.
Re: Re 1 BE site

The tallest building in the city was completed 30 years ago for crying out loud!

Well, yeah, but its like 1,800 ft tall. Surpassing the CN Tower isn't an easy task.
Re: Re 1 BE site

Re *buildings* as opposed to "freestanding structures", 1FCP is still the tallest, isn't it?
Re: Re 1 BE site

Re *buildings* as opposed to "freestanding structures", 1FCP is still the tallest, isn't it?

Whether you consider the CN Tower a building or not, it doesn't really matter. Its freakin' huge, and few other cities in the world have anything any close to comparable in height. So in terms of height, we're doing alright.
Re: Re 1 BE site

Wow- I like it! Indeed that building is reminiscent of Chicago skyscrapers. It is much more appealing than the design of the disappointing ROCP. The design is sleek and imposing- a sexy and dramatic exclamation point in middle of the downtown core.
Re: Re 1 BE site


Canderel Stoneridge is still going for 75s. The podium is planned for 8 floors and will match the height of the original college park building. The exterior to the podium will be clad in stone. Retail along Yonge and Ryerson is very interested in having their "Yonge Street Presence" at Yonge and Gerrard. They may be a potential partner to have facilities in the Podium structure - which makes perfect sence given the location.

For the first two phases the art component will be a large art work on Bay Street between the two towers - supposedly it will be quite spectacular.

Also the crowns of the first two phases as well as the planned third phase will have vanity lighting. It is about time more landmark residential structures have night time lighting.

Section 37 agreements for all three towers will go towards upgrading and improving the little park in the centre of the block - which is currently not in great shape.

Kyle Rae is apparently very supportive of the application for phase 3.

Edit: Mixed up street names.
Re: Re 1 BE site

The expected grand art sounds the most interesting to me.
Re: Re 1 BE site

That and the fact that the podium will be 8 floors and actual lighting to define the towers. Hope this gets approved.
Re: Re 1 BE site

Thanks for the update, Mike. A couple of questions:

1) The base will be clad in stone... is that like, real stone? Not AstroStone, or Stoneite (tm)?

2) "Ryerson is very interested in having their "Yonge Street Presence" at College and Gerrard."

Did you mean "At Yonge and Gerrard," or "between College and Gerrard"?

<actually double-checks Google to make sure College and Gerrard don't meet someplace weird>
